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A Swordfeast Universe Story

Time: Directly after "In the Moonlight", midnightish or thereafter, Oct. 27, Sun. very early am.    

The roar of Cash's Harley and the sputter of Frank's banger of a car both echo in the courtyard of the Camera della Luna.  Cash parks his bike temporarily by the front stairs, the original plan to install Frank in his own rooms sidetracked when he notices the mortal Sentinel's truck parked in one of the spots traditionally reserved for nonresident guests at the side of the building.  Frank stops his car off to the side and pokes his head out the window, "Where do I park?"

"Just leave the keys in the ignition and park it by Jim's truck."  Cash gestures toward the side of the yard. "I'll have one of the boys put it in a garage later." [Wonder what the captain is doing here tonight?]  Cash's curiosity is getting the better of him.  [Julian?  You busy?]

Julian Luna is concentrating on the flesh of one James Ellison at the moment, very intent on seducing the mortal into ... well, whatever he can get out of him.  The prince is thinking to himself, [ ... if you're very good, you'll get to taste him again.]  He smirks, then trails his tongue along the mortal's exposed flesh. His concentration is broken for a second as Cash's voice filters through the passion cloud forming in his brain.  [Uh ... yes... you might say that.]  There is a definite tone of preoccupation in the message.  [What do you need?]  Julian breaks momentarily, mentally at least, from the pleasurable task of driving the Sentinel crazy.

[Brought Frank home with me, he's gonna spend the night.  He's worried about the Brujah, they broke into his place once already, you know.]  Then Cash's mental voice takes on a gleeful lusty tone, [Hope you enjoy your mortal as much as I did mine!!!]

[That's best. We need to protect him. Put him up in your old room. It's easily protected.]  The prince's mental voice can almost be heard laughing.  [This one's fun to play with, lover.  If his blood tastes half as good as I think it's going to, with these heightened senses and all, it's going to be delicious. And I have a feeling he's going off the deep end.]

[Ummmmm.] The Ventrue prince feels Cash's purr of pleasure at his playfulness.  [May I listen in then?]  Cash leads Frank up the front stairs as this silent exchange is going on.  Frank sees Cash's grin, but attributes it just to the pleasure of returning home.  As yet, the mortal detective has no idea of the depth of the linkage possible between Kindred that share blood regularly.

[Sure, lover. You're always welcomed to eavesdrop. Hell, I couldn't really prevent you, now, could I?]   Julian returns to Jim's wrist, raking a fang along the flesh, drawing a crimson flush to the surface.

[Well, if we really wanted to we could shut each other out, but I rather like you in the back of my mind.  Missed it when we were apart ...]   The thought comes back from Cash a touch bittersweet.  "Good Evening, Daedalus," Cash greets the Nosferatu who opens the door warmly. "I promised Frank a room for the night, maybe my old one across from the master suite?"

"Certainly, Cash.  Frank, you are most welcome here."  The slight but genuine smile that crosses the Nosferatu's face rather surprises the mortal, who can't ever remember seeing that expression on the elder Kindred's face before.  [Every minute a little more accepted, a little more 'home',] the mortal muses.

"Need anything to eat before you crash?"  Cash asks Frank.  "I could rustle you up some steak and eggs or something..."

"Nah, I'm bushed.  Out drinking with you last night and then a shift and a half today, all I need is a shower and clean sheets."  A mighty yawn punctuates Frank's admission.

"There's a bathroom in your suite, Frank, and I'll bring some towels in right away."  Daedalus offers as the three men ascend the stairs.

Julian's mental voice sounds in Cash's head again, [I will never shut you out again, no matter what, or who, comes between us. Without you in my head, I feel incomplete.] The prince's tone is serious, recalling the feeling of a decade without the Gangrel in his head.

As Cash settles Frank in the guest room, the Gangrel's occasional mental contact with the Ventrue distracts him.  Frank notices that Cash seems a bit lost in his thoughts, but his own weariness makes the mortal disinclined to pursue the issue much.  After Daedalus has brought the towels, Cash makes sure Frank is settled for the night.  "Got everything you need?  There's a razor and a toothbrush and whatnot in the bathroom."  At Frank's startled look, Cash laughs "Hey, the Ventrue are famous for their hospitality.  Make a 5 star hotel look shabby."  Cash walks over and gives his soon-to-be childe a short hug and a quick kiss on the lips.  "Don't worry, Frank, just sleep knowing you are safe here.  The prince's rooms are just across the hall, and I'll put a guard in the anteroom.   You are just as protected as Julian is.  Dream well, my friend, dream of running in those forests."  With a final quick kiss, Cash turns to go.

[Yeah, I know what you mean, beloved.  An empty Julian shaped hole in my soul.] Cash muses, making a unique analogy.

[That makes me sound like the missing part of a doughnut.]  Julian counters Cash's last retort with a definite chuckle trickling through the link.

[Man, you know how to ruin the romance!!!] Cash gives his lover the equivalent of a mental shove.  Just as Cash pulls Frank's door shut, the mortal hears what sounds like a muffled snort of laughter from the Gangrel.  [Laughing at me?  Naaahhh,] the exhausted mortal thinks as he heads for the bath. [Kouhanek, go to bed...]

By this point, Julian is biting into Ellison's wrist and is concentrating solely on sucking the crimson liquid that's pouring from the severed vein. It's filled with passion, color, sounds ... everything 'just over the edge.' [Ahhh, Cash, this is the most intense experience. Unlike any Kindred or mortal I've ever tasted.]

Cash heads across the hall into Julian's rooms, shedding his leather jackets as he goes. [Gods, Julian.]  Cash's attention is almost exclusively focused on what he is feeling through his link with the prince.  The Gangrel stumbles to the armchair by the fireplace and throws himself into it, allowing the sensations of his lover's pleasure to inundate his mind.  Cash can feel the control mechanisms of Julian's mind move into action as the prince walks the edge between tasting and feeding.

[Too intoxicating. Damn near like the first time I tasted your gypsy blood. I guess it's the Sentinel thing. Sensory overload.]

[Ummm, if a single Kiss can do *that* to a Sentinel, think what taking you -- or better yet, you AND me to bed would do.  We'd have to peel him off the ceiling.] Cash quips with a wicked mental chuckle. [Or you and me and Blair........] comes the next thought from the Gangrel, accompanied by a snicker. [.... and yes love, I remember what you said about Sandburg.]

Julian throws up a mental stop sign, a touch playfully. [No more, Cash. I'm overloading. Go take a hot bath and I'll check in on you when Ellison leaves. I don't think he's staying the night.]  He sighs, contented with the mortal in his arms and the Gangrel in his head. [I love you.]

[Beloved, love you, too.]  Contented, Cash pulls 'away' from the intensity of the blood bond. Sighing happily, Cash stands up, hanging his jacket in the closet and pulls a robe from the hook behind the bathroom door.  He keeps a change of clothes up here for the nights when Julian doesn't want him to leave; with any luck, this will be one of those nights.

The prince finishes his "business" with the Sentinel and makes his way upstairs about 15 minutes later. He peeks into Cash's old room to check on their protégé, nodding to Stone who is sitting on guard. Kouhanek is resting comfortably, just falling into a deep sleep. "Rest well, Frank," he whispers.  Julian walks across the hall into his room, pulling his shirt out of his pants as he does. "Cash, you here?"

"Still in the tub, beloved.  Come join me?"  The Gangrel's voice seduces from the direction of the bathroom.

As the prince enters the bath, the glow of candles and the scent of sandalwood envelop him, Cash is laying back, eyes closed and chin deep in frothy water, a half empty glass perched beside him on the ledge.  A robe and a pile of fluffy towels are on a low stool and a full glass of wine awaits the Ventrue on the near edge of the tub.  Cash opens one eye, and stretches, catlike, the bubbles sliding across the expanse of his chest.

"Exactly what I need." Julian smiles. He quickly finishes unbuttoning the shirt and discards it on the floor.  In a moment it is joined by slacks and silk boxers. Julian sighs, feeling relief that his still semi-rigid cock is free from its prison.  [Damn that Ellison.] He pauses at tub's edge, picking up the glass and taking a sip. "Mmm, the good stuff. You've adapted to this off-the-road life rather well, Cash."

"That time made me appreciate this all the more.  There were times I would have killed for a bath like this.  Of course I felt that way in the Army a couple of times, too." Cash grins as he moves his legs over to give Julian enough room to get into the tub.  "Weren't there times in your life you felt you'd never be clean or warm again?"

"Yeah, after my Embrace ... Manzanita ... too many to remember."  Julian steps into the hot water, sinking quickly into a comfortable position next to his lover. "A bath like this can take away the worst of times," he pauses, taking another sip of the wine, "or make the best of times seem like an epiphany."

Cash runs an enticing soapy foot down Julian's leg as he settles in.  "Despite everything that's been happening lately, this is one of the good times, again.  I hope."

"Mmmm, now that's what makes the bath extra nice." Julian stretches his legs into Cash's touch. "Good times? Yes... if you can put aside Cameron ... and Lacroix ... and Thorne ... and juggling mortals ... Oh, hell, it's the best of times. You're here with me." He sighs, leaning into Cash's shoulder.

"Yeah,"  Cash growls, lovingly, slinging an arm over Julian's shoulder and pulling him in tight.  "Love you, mia vita, my heart," Cash murmurs into the dark hair, kissing the prince's temple.

"Do you know how much I really love you, Cash?" Julian says softly, more a rhetorical statement than a real question, something he needs to hear aloud.  Jim's concern for Blair, should they be Embraced, has the prince thinking about relationships.  "Do you know that I'd never let anything or anyone come between us? That I'd walk through the fires of hell to retrieve you?"

"My heart's heart, my soul's blood, gods, Julian.  I love you so much sometimes I fear my heart will explode with it."  Cash nuzzles into Julian's neck, seeking his scent, the Gangrel's damp beard tickling against the tender skin behind the Ventrue's ear.  "We have a bond that goes beyond being lovers, crosses clan lines and transcends anything I've ever felt with another soul. That includes Morgaine, Archon ... and even that intense experience with Ellison." He kisses the Gangrel's tousled wet hair, using his free arm to wrap around Cash's shoulder.  "I just got you back after way too long of being without you. I will not lose you. And I will destroy anyone who tries to take you away from me."

The words, the sound of the voice, the intonations are not those of the prince. This rage, this passion goes back before Manzanita, to when Julian Luna was the Ventrues' hired gun, the executioner for Archon's justice. Now, as prince, Julian has power of judge, jury and executioner, and he's not above using that power ... especially to protect those he loves, to protect Cash. This isn't a weakness or a flaw in the prince's personality. To the contrary, it's his greatest strength. And the one thing his enemies should not ignore.

The Gangrel recognizes the brief glimpse of the Ventrue enforcer that he fell in love with all those years ago.  The strength, the fire, the bonds of blood shared and blood spilled on behalf of each other, these are the things that tie them together beyond the shared bonds of passion and desire.

"Julian, your love humbles me.  All these years and I still can't see what *you* see in me. All I can do is offer you whatever you need from me, whatever you will take."  Cash again kisses along the Ventrue's neck, caressingly.  [Whatever you will let me give to you.]

"Love me. That's all I've ever asked of you. Everything else was yours to give or take, whether you believed that or not." Julian clumsily sits his glass on the ledge behind their heads, just settling it before it tips over. He then runs a finger down Cash's forehead and snub nose. "And love yourself, too. It's time you stopped being the abandoned Gangrel. You're getting ready to sire a childe."  The Ventrue trails the finger along the curve of Cash's lips. "But don't get all grown up on me. I like the wild in you. And tonight, I *need* that wild side."

Cash's lips smile under the prince's fingers.  "It's just so *amazing* to me sometimes that you love me.  Like finding a perfect rose in a desert...."  Cash nips at the fingers caressing his mouth.  "And you, my love, will have all the *wild* you could possibly want, maybe a little more, between me and Frank."

Julian parts Cash's lips with his nipped-at fingers, sliding them along the fang buds. "So, am I gonna have my hands full with you two?  Maybe I should think twice about letting you Embrace him. You know, I haven't given you *official* permission yet." The voice is teasing, but with the slightest edge of princely authority.

Cash is surprised at the sense of aching loss that teasing threat invokes in his heart.  "As you wish, my lord."  Cash pulls away from Julian's shoulder and sits up, his eyes down cast, hands intertwined - clenched under the water's soapy surface.

Julian quietly picks Cash's hands up from under the water and pulls them to his mouth. He kisses them firmly, repeatedly, almost reverently. "Cash, I grant you my permission ... as prince ... to Embrace Frank Kouhanek. I would never *not* have given it to you."

Cash leans his forehead against Julian's, "Love, it is at your will, I am no Zane."

"And it is my will that you have this mortal," Julian responds.

"Thank you, beloved.  He is ready for the Becoming.  Indeed, I could have Embraced him tonight, but I want him to be safe and happy, not some rough tumble in the park."

"I know you will make it perfect. Frank will have the best Embrace we can give him ... better than either of ours, at least. So you're ready? No more questions? No concerns?"

"Honestly?"  Cash glances away, his teeth worry at his bottom lip. "I'm scared as hell.  He knows he's going to die, we talked about it tonight.  The *trust* he has in me frightens me.  Julian, when you made Sonny or Alexandra, did you ever doubt yourself like this?"

"I doubted from the first minute with Alexandra," Julian begins. "I don't think I ever stopped doubting myself with her. She should never have been Embraced." He kisses Cash's lips briefly.  "Sonny, though, was different. I knew it was going to work from the minute I chose him. He trusted me, and I've never betrayed that trust. No two children are alike."

"Frank can't wait, he's afraid that the Brujah will take him away like they did with Sasha. He's a lot more passionate than I thought he would be.  But you know, I don't think he's ever kissed a man before tonight, or let one kiss him either."

"I've always felt there was more to Frank than what was on the surface. Something just waiting to be unleashed." Julian laughs softly. "And you're just the one to do it. Match his wildness, temper it, teach him how to use it more effectively."

Cash chuckles nervously at that, hoping he can lead a fledgling where he is still, in some ways, just learning to run.  "Oh, Julian, he's so right for the Gangrel.  You should have seen him at the Haven last night, and he already *smells* like one of us,"  Cash sighs happily as he settles down again, this time opposite Julian, picking up the prince's feet and plopping them in his own lap, massaging the arches of one foot with skilled, callused fingers.  "Now, tell me about the Sentinel," the Gangrel suggests, "please.  That was a rush, even second hand!"

"Oh, hell, Cash ... where do I start with Ellison?" Julian relaxes, stretching his toes into the massage. "Just from the taste I got, I can imagine he's got to be the most incredible fuck in the universe. Present company excluded, of course." He throws his hands up in mock defense as Cash splashes water at him. "Seriously, though, I've never tasted such emotion, such passion... from every sense."

Cash is startled by the outpouring from the normally "in control" Ventrue.  The backlash of passion that had poured through their link was no fluke, then.  Cautiously, Cash inquires, "and this is 'cause of the Sentinel thing?  I worry about that, Julian."

"Worry? Why? The senses?" Julian shrugs it off. He's too interested in Embracing James Ellison to find reasons why he shouldn't. "They'd only be an asset if he were Kindred."

"Not just the senses, Julian.  The whole 'protect the tribe' thing in the monograph in the library.  Are the mortals his 'tribe', will the Kindred be?"  Cash runs skilled hands over the arch of Julian's foot, hitting the places that make the prince flinch and then sigh in pleased relaxation.

"I don't know. We could talk with Blair about the logistics, but I'd guess the Sentinel adapts, serving the 'tribe' he's with."  Julian pushes down into the water so that it comes up to his chin, steam building around his face. "I need hi ... he'd make a damn good Ventrue. Don't you think?"

['I need him' - why, Julian?  'I want him' that I can see, but why 'need'?] Cash puzzles on that one for a long minute before answering  "Yeah, he'll make a Ventrue.  But think about this some, if he weren't a Sentinel would you still want to Embrace him?  And have the Kindred *ever* Embraced a Sentinel and Shaman pair?  I'd never even heard of the concept."  Cash switches to the prince's other foot, massaging as they debate.  "They'd be a formidable weapon, that's for damn sure."

"He has the passion to be an enforcer. Just the right amount of rage ... tempered with a sense of justice." Julian's following his own thoughts for a moment before he realizes what Cash asked. "Huh? I don't think it would be a problem to Embrace them both. We could ask Thorne about Embracing Blair. He's definitely not Ventrue material. And then it's just a cross-clan issue. I think we could make it work.  I don't think embracing a pair will be that much different, especially since we'd split them between two clans. I promised Ellison that we would do nothing to keep them apart as Sentinel and Guide... or lovers."

Cash laughs at the idea of the long-haired anthropologist as a Ventrue.  Cash thinks for a long moment, still absent-mindedly rubbing Julian's feet.  "Blair would make a good Gangrel, he's footloose and wild enough, but so few of us have any touch of the mage.  Only Smokey and me in the whole city, really."

Julian shakes his head, processing the thoughts that are still randomizing their way through his brain. "Gangrel won't work. You're getting Frank to deal with; you don't need another fledgling.  I know you don't want to admit it, Cash, but the Tremere are best suited to deal with Blair, his shamanism and all. And I think Thorne would welcome the challenge."

Cash reluctantly agrees, "Yeah, the last thing I want to do is make Frank feel abandoned.  I promised you (and myself) I wouldn't do that.  Damn it though, Julian, I hate the thought of the wizards getting their hands on Blair."  The Gangrel sighs, "but that's just *me* and we both know it."

"You, my friend, need to have a talk with that wizard. The Tremere are our allies, and you need to learn to deal with Thorne without cringing or growling every time he walks into the room."  The prince sighs in his turn. "Morgaine long ago overcame her hatred of the Tremere, and you have much less of a reason to hate them.  It's time for you to work through yours."

Cash starts to protest, then catches on a phrase "What? Morgaine hates the Tremere?  Well, I knew she wasn't happy about him the other night, she was growling in our bond."  [At least that's what it *felt* like, a low growl, like the hair on the back of her neck was rising.]

"She's never told you about her Embrace?"  He notices the look of confusion on the Gangrel's face. "No, of course not, when have you had time to talk." He smirks. "Morgaine was left for dead by a Tremere wizard, her throat slashed and most of her blood drained. Daedalus brought her to Archon, who Embraced her."

"GODS, I'll KILL him, I'll stake the bastard myself!!"  Blind rage pours out in Cash's words.

"Too late, lover." Julian smiles, wickedly and bemused at the same time as the memory comes back. "She found him around the turn of the last century, when we were traveling in London. And she killed him. Well, actually, we killed him. I pinned him to the ground with a sword, Morgaine drained him and Daedalus ripped his body to shreds."

"GOOD," The need to kill in defense of one of his mates still boils in the Gangrel. "A kinder death than it deserved," Cash snarls.  "And *that* tale doesn't make me trust *this* Tremere any more." Cash growls low.

"She satisfied her hatred with revenge. I want you to make peace with the Tremere. I don't want to end up calling a blood hunt on you because you've given someone a less than kind death." His words are harsh, blunt, but the look on his face is one of love and abject horror at the thought of losing Cash under such circumstances.

Julian's concern finally penetrates the Gangrel's fury.  That these things happened before he was ever born to a woman he hadn't known existed a year ago makes no difference, Morgaine is part of *his* pack now, his family.  Cash shakes his head, "I just don't know, Julian.  But I'll talk to the man if you insist."  Bent on distracting Julian from further probing into old wounds, Cash ceases his attentions to Julian's feet and begins to stroke up his calves, caressing the back of the Ventrue's legs.

"That's all I ask, Cash ... just talk." Julian moans softly. [You have a delightful knack for diverting my attention.]

Cash grins to himself as he leans over and plants a damp kiss on the inside of Julian's slightly upraised knee.  "You know, lover, the water's getting cold and if you lay down on the bed, I can get your shoulders and back...." The Gangrel's voice trails off temptingly.

"And what else?" Julian asks teasingly. "Actually, I could use a nice upper back rub. Ellison took more out of me than I thought."

"Actually, *you* took more out of *him*,"  Cash teases back, grinning, as the Gangrel climbs out of the tub.  [and *anything* else, if you want.]

"Funny, Gangrel, real funny." Julian smirks as he climbs out of the tub and grabs a bath sheet. "Let's get in bed."

Julian buffs the oversized bath towel across his upper back as he walks into the bedroom. He drapes it the length of the bed and stretches out on his stomach. "You said something about a back rub, I believe."

Cash pauses as he towels himself off roughly.  "I know I left some oil in here somewhere..." he mutters to himself.  After poking around in several drawers and cabinets, he finally locates the elusive bottle stashed behind a big bottle of the bath crystals that Julian favors.  [How the heck did it get all the way back there?]  Cash has drip-dried in the interim and pads into the bedroom nude, stopping for a long moment to admire the view of his lover stretched across the bed.  "Nice ass, beloved," he smirks.

"All yours for tonight," Julian quips back. The Ventrue prince is ready to relax and yield himself completely to his Gangrel lover. He pulls a pillow in under his head, wraps his arms around it and snuggles into the bed. "Work your magic."

Cash sits down beside Julian, and pours some of the lightly scented oil into his hands, then gently begins to stroke in broad strokes over the prince's back.  "Gods, Julian," he mutters, "you're tied in knots."  Cash kneels up on the bed to apply a little more pressure, the Ventrue sighs at the touch. "It's getting to you, isn't it, love..  all the strangers."

"Feels good. Mmmmm." Julian tenses his shoulders and relaxes them, slightly, as Cash's hands start their work. "Too much ...too soon. Too many people pulling on me."

"I can't take away the pulls, love, much as I'd like to."  Cash kneads at the shoulders under his hands, marveling as ever at the beauty of his lover.  He digs a bit into the muscles, provoking them to relax, then soothes away the tiny hurts with soothing strokes.

"I know. I have to deal with them. It's the price of being prince." Julian clutches the pillow. "But you have a marvelous way of making them seem, hmm, like they don't matter so much."

"Here and now, they don't, my love.  Here and now you are not the prince, only my beloved." Cash moves his hands down Julian's spine, up over the curve of his ass, oil slick hands slipping over cool flesh.  [Ummmmm]  The Gangrel's pleased growling purr echoes through their link.

[Only to be pleased ... not have to please so many.] The thoughts come through their blood bond as Julian buries his face in the pillow. He can feel his cock growing hard against the soft plushness of the towel beneath him, his arousal increasing with each stroke of Cash's hands across his flesh.  The massaging hands continue down the backs of strong thighs and calves, back up the inside of the thighs and down the outside, each repeated stroke both soothing and arousing.

As Cash moves to work on Julian's lower back, his position is less than ideal, so he moves to straddle Julian's legs.  His position puts Julian's ass right in his groin.  The Gangrel moans in the back of his throat as the oiled flesh rubs against his thickening erection.  Rubbing Julian's lower back, Cash works to get the knots out, ignoring his own desire for the moment.

Julian is worn out with teasing, albeit not intentional... first from tasting Ellison ... now from his lover's body draped along his back. No more, he thinks, swearing to himself to get some satisfaction tonight. [Don't stop. I want to be all yours tonight.] Julian wriggles his ass against Cash's groin, deftly working it along the length of the Gangrel's cock. [Fuck me, lover?]

"Oh yeah," Cash breathes out.  [I love you, mia vita.]  Cash drops his head and kisses Julian between the shoulder blades.

Grabbing the bottle of massage oil, Cash refreshes the oil on his hands.  "Slowly, though, lover, you are just beginning to relax.  I don't want to undo all the good a bath and rubdown have done."  He keeps rubbing Julian's lower back, now extending the strokes over the Ventrue's ass and into the crack between his buttocks.

[A good fuck will be just the finishing touch.] A smattering of laughter comes down the link as Julian pulls his face from deep within the pillow folds long enough to turn sideways and whisper. "I need you, Cash. I may want others, but I can live without them. You, I need. Desperately and always."

"And I need you.  A childe isn't going to change the way I feel about you, my love.  Nor will any lovers."  [I can't promise not to be jealous, but I *will* try not to be.]  Cash's hands slip beneath the prone Ventrue, caressing balls and cock with a gentle hand, "Like this?  Tell me...."

"Jealously becomes you ... sometimes," Julian gasps slightly. "Ahh. That's exactly it." The Ventrue pushes his hips off the bed to give his lover better access to his cock. "I need you to fuck me, Cash ... hard ... take control."

Cash rubs his cock against the crack of Julian's ass, coating it in the excess oil.  His hands slid from under Julian, around the cheeks and inward, spreading and probing.  Busy fingers probe the Ventrue's ass, stretching him, teasing promise of things to come.  Julian yields control to his lover, relaxing his body fully as he pushes up and back against Cash's touch. He pulls a second pillow in under his head and nestles into it.

The Gangrel pauses for a second, admiring the long elegant sweep of his lover's spine, from the damp, tousled dark hair, past the muscled back to the delicious ass temptingly under his hands.  He quickly coats his rampant erection with the last of the massage oil.  "Ready, my beloved?"

"More than ever, lover," Julian mutters, his face buried in the soft down of the pillow. Sometimes it's good to give up control, he muses to himself. Giving up control isn't a thing Luna does easily, and only with those he trusts implicitly. And Cash is the only man Julian has ever willingly given over complete control to. [Let me lose myself, Cash, in the oblivion of passion.]

Cash smiles to himself, stroking his oily hands down Julian's sides and around the firm globes of the willing ass.  "So beautiful, mia vita," he murmurs, leaning forward to drop a kiss at the base of the Ventrue's spine, just where the cleft of his ass begins.  [Want to take you there, love.]  The Gangrel spreads his lover's ass cheeks and pushes gently forward, feeling the other's body first resist and then yield.  [Yes?,] he queries silently, his hands firm on the Ventrue's hips.

[More. Don't hold back.]  Julian acknowledges the mental query by pushing his body back onto Cash's hard cock. [Don't make love to me, Cash. Fuck me.]  He nearly surrounds his head with pillow, as if attempting autoerotic asphyxiation, which is a physical impossibility for Kindred.

[Don't worry, lover, I plan on nailing you to the mattress.  Just don't want to hurt you.] Cash thrusts forward into his willing lover.  "Want you, Julian.  Need you.  Gonna take you."  With each phrase, Cash pounds harder into his lover's ass.  "Mine, no matter what, Julian.  You're mine."   [and I'm yours.]

Julian clutches his hands underneath the pillow, bracing himself against Cash's thrusts, driving his lover's cock deeper inside him. "God, yes," comes the nearly silent scream, muffled quickly as the pillow's satiny cover fills his mouth. [Fuck me ... please ... harder ... yours completely.]

"Yes."  Cash's voice grates out, as he fucks harder, urging his lover on.  His fingers would be leaving bruises on a mortal lover, he is gripping Julian's hips so hard in his passion. "Touch yourself, come for me," the Gangrel pants out.

The Ventrue's body is afire with sensations, no doubt the aftereffects of the Sentinel's blood, its small taste creating a ripple effect of passion from the core outward.  He can only imagine that fucking and drinking simultaneously from Ellison would be sheer oblivion. [Yes, beloved.] Julian pulls a hand from the pillow and grips his stiff cock, stroking its fiery length at a semi-frantic pace. [Good?]

[Yeah. better than good....]  Cash matches Julian's movements, speeding up the pace.  Teeth gritted to hold back his passion, the Gangrel thrusts again and again into his lover.

Julian clutches the pillow tightly around his head as his hand clutches his cock, pulling the swelling passion to a climax. He comes hard against his hand, at the same time thrusting backward against Cash. [Yours, now.]  He's breathing hard against the bedclothes.

The clenching of strong muscles as Julian comes pushes Cash over the brink.  One final thrust and his seed fills Julian's ass. "MINE, always."  He lowers himself to cover Julian's back, kissing the nape of his lover's neck.  "as I am yours," whispered against the sweat damped skin.

The Ventrue's mind is a swirl of darkness with lightning flashes of color ... his body having released the passion built up during his lesson with Ellison on Kindred life ... his soul's fire quenched by Cash's possession of him. He collapses against the bed, spent physically, but still keyed up in every other way. "Mine," he whispers. "Always mine."