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Dance With the Devil in the Pale Moonlight


Dance With The Devil In The Pale Moonlight

Part One: A Continuation of Midnight Seduction

By Kimberly Bliss

Strong Language & Violence--Reader Discretion is advised--


He felt the pain burning inside him.

Caitlyn. Oh, dear God. Caitlyn.

He had a feeling that some of this was his fault.

Julian ran down the road and shoved past the crowds of people. He 
stopped for a moment to gather his frantic thoughts and then moved ahead 
again. He noticed this time that the crowd moved back in a wave as if he 
was a shark on a hunt. The mask had slipped. Very foolish. Some saw his 
true nature while others were too drunk to remember the predatory look in 
Julian's eyes.

Only two humans followed him into the humid night. The smell of 
upcoming rain and the low growl of thunder brought the trio into a 
deserted area a few miles from the hospital.

Julian turned around and faced the curious men. "What do you want with 

The men heard the weary tone in Julian's voice and stepped closer. "We 
saw your power. We want that power."

Julian noticed the bulge in the younger ones pocket. A gun. The man who 
spoke brought it out and shoved it in Julian's face.

"Time to die, asshole. You will die and we will obtain your power."

Julian was getting annoyed. "How do you truly know that will happen?"

The men looked at each other and then back at Julian. They had doubts 
written on their face.

"Come on, Colby! Let's get out of here."

Andrew started to turn and walk away. He cringed as Colby fired the gun 
once. Twice. Three times. Then silence. He turned around and screamed.

The stranger was bent over Colby. Andrew could see the gun twisted and 
broken beside Colby's limp hand. Julian looked up and Andrew gasped as 
he saw the blood on his lips. Colby's eyes looked upward into the sky as if 
searching the heavens. The ruined throat brought Andrew's body in action 
and he started to run. He heard a growl behind him and then silence. He 
felt the hot tears sliding down his face and he used the back of his sleeve to 
wipe them away.

After years of being ignored. After years of being a *nobody*. After years 
of no love and laughter. His true friend now dead.

He felt something shove him to the ground and looked up into its face.

This was no longer the face of a human man.

More like a monster.

Andrew got lost in the depth of Julian's eyes and everything went black.

The dreams were rare. Only nightmares that she felt she would never wake 
from. She felt his mouth crushing against her mouth and bearing upon her 
teeth. She felt the teeth sinking into her throat. She thought she was going 
to die. But she still felt her heartbeat and fought to live.

Julian's face popped up into her foggy thoughts. Caitlyn wished he was 
with her right now in the darkest of her moments. She felt the presence of 
another in the room. Then another. She felt safe and the nightmares slipped 
away for a moment. But she still worried about Julian.

He opened his eyes and then closed them again. The pain was too great. 
He sat there a few moments and tried to catch his breath before the next 
spasm of pain brought him closer to passing out again. He could taste the 
blood of the two young men in his mouth. It tasted so bitter and he wanted 
to throw up. The spasm hit him again and he curled up into a ball and 
prayed it would pass.

The pain ceased and Julian got up and ran to the hospital. He looked back 
over his shoulder and saw the two crumpled forms laying on the ground.

"Oh, dear God. What have I done?"

He felt it coming up. The blood. He rushed over to the side of the alley and 
shoved his hand against the wall for support as the blood washed the 

This time as he ran to the hospital he didn't look back. He was too scared 
to look. But he thought he heard a groan behind him as he went past the 
hospital parking lot and checked to make sure he was presentable enough 
to enter the hospital. He wiped the blood off his cheek. Good enough. 
Julian took the stairs up to the third floor and found her room. Two nurses 
and a doctor stood over Caitlyn's bedside. He waited until they left and 
slipped into the room. A small lamp sat on a table by the bed and Julian 
could see the glow of Caitlyn's blonde hair and her pale face. The anger 
rose in waves as he saw the wounds on her neck and how she looked like 
a crushed china doll.

Whoever did this to her will pay with their life.

Julian pulled a chair from the corner and sat down by her side. He took her 
limp hand in his and rubbed it gently.

"I'm here now, Caitlyn. I promise I will get revenge for the both of us."

Julian eyelids felt heavy and he laid his head on the side of the bed and 
slept. He never let go of her hand.

Cameron heard Kamala's voice calling him from the bedroom. He wiped 
the blood from his chin and pulled open the door He saw her staring back 
at him with terrified eyes. He rushed to her side.

"It's time you told me the truth, Cameron. Tell me everything."

Cameron saw the determined look in her eyes and he tried to think of 
where to start. Of whether to let her remember what he was about to tell 
her or make her forget. He thought of his daughter, his little raven, with her 
dark hair and brown eyes. He thought of Kamala and the beauty that had 
always inspired him. The Hunger flared up and for one moment Cameron 
thought of Embracing Kamala. Then the thoughts died down and he 

"My life changed when I met Sorel..."

Julian woke up once in a while to stare out the window across from him 
into the stormy night. He wanted to get up and pull the curtains together 
but sleep pulled him back into its arms.

Julian felt the presence of others in the room and jerked upright. His neck 
was sore from the position he slept in and looked around at his 
surroundings. He thought at first it was the nurses and the doctor coming 

He was wrong.

Julian looked up into the face of a older version of Caitlyn. The woman 
stood staring at her daughter and then at Julian. She smiled as she 
recognized Caitlyn's boyfriend.

"You must be Julian Luna, right?"

Julian nodded his head.

"I'm Caitlyn's mom, Elizabeth. We just got the news late last night and 
rushed down here."

Julian noticed that Elizabeth was wearing a coat over her nightgown. 
There were lines in the corner of her eyes but to Julian she still looked 
beautiful. Elizabeth looked down the hallway and motioned Julian to stand 
beside her.

"That is my husband, Steven, and Caitlyn's younger sister Danielle."

Steven and Danielle stepped into the room and a look of sorrow came over 
their faces.

"Who did this? What kind of monster could do such a thing! Who could 
do such a thing to our little girl!!!"

Steven's voice rose in the room and Elizabeth put Caitlyn's hand in hers 
and felt the tears burn her cheeks.

"Please calm down, Steven. She can hear everything that is happening 
around us."

Elizabeth glanced over at Julian.

"I'm so sorry about this, Julian. I was hoping we would meet under better 
circumstances. Caitlyn had a surprise for you this weekend. We were 
coming up to see her and to meet you. She has a lot of nice things to say 
about you. You are good for her."

Her husband said nothing but walked over and sat on the other side. 
Danielle stood by Julian and sobbed. He couldn't help himself and drew 
her into his arms. He smoothed and patted her hair and felt the tears 
soaking his shirt and through to his skin.

She looked up into his eyes. "Your breath, Mr. Luna. It smells like..."

Julian looked up over her shoulder and saw the sun coming up over the 
tall building in front of them. He remembered that he had not fed and the 
blood he had taken earlier was gone. Gone. He felt totally empty.

Something was different.

"Close the drapes!" Julian yelled.

He felt the panic rising in the chest and he imagined the terror in their 
faces as the unforgiving sun burnt his flesh. Caitlyn's family looked at 
Julian as if suddenly he had gone mad. The sun filled the room and then 
bathed Julian and Danielle in light. He gasped in wonder as he lifted his 
hand into the sun. He still felt Danielle's tears. Felt her heartbeat but no 
longer hungered for her blood. >He felt.... human again. He felt mortal 
again. A voice woke him from his deep thoughts. He looked over and saw 
Caitlyn's eyes open and then she spoke again. It was a whisper that 
nobody understood but they were happy to see her awake.

She looked at Julian and a weak smile came over her face. She looked 
around and saw her family and Julian together and wanted to sit up but felt 
so weak. She felt the dark shadows wrapping around her mind and the 
room start to go black again.

She knew she was going back to the nightmares again but she managed to 
say one word before it took her over....


Steven turned around and spoke to Julian with a firm voice.

"Who's this Cameron? Did he hurt her?"

Julian shook his head. He had no idea what to tell him. But if Cameron 
was involved he knew that he had to take him down. It didn't matter if was 
human now. It didn't make a damn difference.


Part Two

Warning: R Rating

Strong Sex, Violence, Language, & Accounting *grin*

Reader Discretion Is Strongly Advised

If You Are Under Seventeen Please Do Not Read This... I Don't Want 
Parents Showing Up At The Door With Stakes *grin*

I can send out a different version for those under a certain age if you want. 
Please send comments and virtual chocolate *grin* I hope you like this 
okay *crosses her fingers*


Julian felt his anger burning in his gut like a hot iron. He knew what had to 
be done. He had to kill Cameron. Had to make him pay for everything.

Danielle heard a sigh come for Julian as he slipped out of the room and 
was hit with the with the smell of food. Danielle came to stand by him and 
linked her arm with his. He had mistaken her to be so much younger. 
Around 15 or 16. Close-up she looked 19. Julian felt stirrings of desire as 
she moved closer to him but shut them off before she noticed. Oh god she 
was going to be a heartbreaker someday.

The day went fast. Before Julian knew it nightfall had come to claim the 
city again. His city. Julian walked over to Caitlyn's bedside as she opened 
her eyes and took his outreached hand.

"I want to get up and walk. Get away from this bed. This room."

Julian barely heard her words. She repeated them and motioned toward the 
door. He looked over at her parents and Danielle and then up to the 
television. The new was on with a report about the murders last night.

"This is Julie Beamer reporting from LAKT Breaking News on a 
gruesome murder. A body was found in an alley near St. James Memorial 
Hospital late last night. The victim, Colby Meyers, was last seen with his 
friend Andrew Harris. Colby Meyers was twenty two years old as he 
celebrated his birthday with his friend. There has been no sign of Andrew 
Harris. He has disappeared without a trace. If you have any information 
about the whereabouts of Andrew Harris or any other details to help solve 
this murder please call...."

Julian had heard enough. So did Steven. He reached over to turn the TV 
off and looked at Julian.

"I hope they get that dirty bastard and make him PAY!"

The disgust on Steven's face shook Julian to the core. It even frightened his 
wife Elizabeth as she tried to calm her husband down. There were even 
tears in their eyes. Did they know the men? Julian gripped on the side of 
the night stand to keep from going down. Andrew Harris was missing. 
Julian got a little fuzzy on what happened between him and Harris. He 
remembered killing his friend Colby. But did he let Harris run? Let him 
get away? No, oh god no... he remembered Andrew's blood rushing into 
his mouth at an alarming rate. He had to get out of this room. He still felt 
some hunger for blood. Caitlyn sat up and reached for Julian. She grunted 
and the slowly moved along with Julian the the door. Her lover frowned as 
he realized that she was healing. That was good but it also worried him. 
She was healing too fast. All the bruises were gone as were the bite marks 
which were reduced to pinpoint marks that would leave tiny scars. But 
Julian noticed another bite. One that refused to heal. He touched it and she 
pulled away as if he hit her.

"Don't touch me there."

He put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. They slowly moved 
down the hallway. They were so engrossed into each other they didn't 
notice that the shadows moved along with them.

Alexander was that shadow. He grinned as he watched the two lovers turn 
and kiss.

Flip, flip, flip.

Burn, baby, burn.

He looked down at his lighter and stuck it back in his pocket. He had no 
time to watch them. He had business to do. Business at the Luna 

"Burn, baby, burn!"


Sasha watched as Cash came around the corner on his motorcycle and ran 
to meet him. He noticed she was wearing one of her dresses that left 
nothing to the imagination. It was one of his favorites. Blood red velvet. 
She hopped in behind him and grabbed his waist. She leaned her head 
down and kissed the side of his neck which sent thrills through his entire 
body. With shaky hands he started the cycle and flew down the road. Cash 
could feel Sasha's curls flying to caress his cheek at times. Her hands 
moved from his wait to roam around as she kissed his neck again.

"You're going to make me crash, Sasha!" Cash said with laughter and 
desire in his voice.

Sasha laughed and tightened her grip. She leaned up to whisper in his ear.

"I want you, Cash."

That was all she said. Cash gulped and increased the speed. Sasha laughed 
ran out into the night. The laughter was cut short as Sasha yelled above the 
sound of the cycle.

"There's somebody following us!"

Cash looked over his shoulder at the black car tailgating them. He 
increased his speed even more.

"Hold on Sasha!"

She did as she was told and laced her fingers even tighter up front. The car 
bumped lightly on the back of the motorcycle and Cash cursed. The car 
backed up and then went into the other lane to chase them. The car and 
motorcycle was even now. Cash wondered if it was some of the Brujah 
Clan or some other Kindred Clan out to have some vicious fun. The 
windows in the car rolled down and Cash let out a laugh. They were 
human teenage boys driving Dad's car. Probably the boys were around 
eighteen. They was about two in the front and five in the large backseat. 
They all stared at Sasha and hollered.

"Hey baby! Why be with this boy when you can come and play with real 

Sasha laughed and leaned over. She lifted her head up and give them the 
finger. The car increased in speed and tried to go in front of Cash in the 
right lane.

"Aw come on baby... don't be that way. We could have some fun at my 
parents house. They're gone for the weekend. We could show you a real 
good time. I've got a new waterbed I am just dying to show you. We could 
test it out!"

The boys cheered in the car. Sahsa gave them the finger again and kissed 
Cash's cheek. A police car came up and over the hill toward the black car 
and yelling and cursing came from it. The speed was increased and the car 
moved back in front of Cash before the policemen saw what was going on. 
The car disappeared into the night. Cash let out his breath slowly and 

"Cash?... That was so scary... it made me scared and pissed and....

... so horny."

Cash felt her hands running over his chest and he increased his speed even 
more heading toward toward Luna's Compound. 


Cameron looked down at Kamala as she slept. She slept better this time. 
No nightmares. No her nightmares were real and right in front of her. As 
he finished his story about his Embrace he felt her fear, her love, her 
disgust, and her hate. She hadn't said much. She pulled herself up and into 
his arms without saying a word. Kamala's eyes opened and stared at 
Cameron's fingers. She took his long fingers and curled them up with hers. 
She looked beyond Cameron to the doorway and gasped. Cameron 
whirled around to find Peter standing in the doorway.

"Ah, how touching, pretty boy! She KNOWS and still loves you. I bet she 
could love me too. Maybe I can taste her and...."

Cameron growled. "Stay away from her, Peter. I warn you here and now. 
She is under my protection."

Peter shook his head and let out a cruel laugh.

"And I thought we were friends?"

Cameron didn't answer. Peter looked over at Kamala and cocked his head 
to one side.

"You've got a really pretty little girl Kamala. I bet as her Mother are very 
proud of her."

Peter then looked over at Cameron with hate on his face.

"You think you're the Daddy, don't you?!?"

"Don't mock me, Peter!"

"Kamala was so heartbroken after you *died*. She cried and I think a little 
part of her soul died with you. I was there to comfort her. To hold her. To 
talk of past good times. Remember those Cameron. Before the Embrace. 
We were this close. Like brothers. I always felt that your *death* and the 
circumstances around it were a little hard to swallow. I had a feeling that 
somehow you were still alive. I actually missed you. Cried with Kamala 
about you. You were a heartless bastard at times when you cared more 
about business then anything else but I have seen your other side. The side 
of love for your wife and family. You do care. You still do. But thats not the 
point I am trying to make here."

Peter looked down at his shoes and then looked back directly into 
Cameron's eyes. "One night Kamala and I were talking. It was about just 
after you died. I hugged her after she spoke of how lonely she was without 
you. I kissed her, Cameron. She liked it and returned it and wrapped her 
arms around my neck as she sobbed. We kissed a while then I began to 
unbutton her shirt..."

"I DON'T want to hear anymore!" Cameron yelled.

"I screwed your wife. I made her yell my name out. I know about the little 
birthmark on her...."

"NO MORE!!!"

"Cameron let me finish! We made love. We made a baby."

Cameron ran his hands through his hair and went silent.

"No, Peter. She is Cameron's little girl."

Peter put a finger up in the air. "No, no, no..... you have always thought 
that. That she was Cameron's child. But Sara Beth is my child. I have 
always made sure that she was okay. Her protector. When she grows up I 
am going to teach her the ways of the Kindred and make her like us. I am 
going to give her the chance to live forever, Cameron. As you gave the 
chance to live again."

No one spoke. An uneasy silence filled the room. Peter had to break it. To 
finish what he had come here to say.

"Remember that night. I was dying. I felt the bullet lodged in and the 
blood rushing out of my body. The world was growing dark and I was 
frightened. My wallet lay where the thugs had dropped it. They stole a 
lousy eight dollars and then shot me. I looked over at the wallet and saw a 
picture of Sara Beth. I feared that I would never see her again."

"Then I saw you. A dark angel in the night. I thought you were coming to 
take me home. To Heaven. I didn't realize you were going to deliver me to 
a different kind of Hell. But don't worry about it I like the way I am now. 
Kamala, I felt his breath on my neck. Felt his teeth part my flesh and the 
sting as he drank. He sat back up and tore a gash in his own wrist and 
offered it to me. He told me he didn't want his best friend to die. I weakly 
latched on and drank. He helped me through the first hunger and the first 
pains of being Kindred but with the gratefulness of him *saving* my life I 
hated him just the same. The Embrace brought us together but our 
differences spiraled into hate."

"And you know what, Cameron. I still hate you to this day. And I enjoyed 
screwing your wife. I probably did more for her in that bed you two used 
to share then you ever did. I made her feel like a woman that night."

Cameron had enough. He leaped form the bed and grabbed Peter by the 
throat and slammed him into the wall.

"No, Cameron, stop it!"

Cameron ignored Kamala and tightened his hold on his Childe's neck.

"I made you. I can destroy you!"

A grin came over Peter's face.

"You can't kill me. You would be killing Sara Beth's father."

"You're a bastard, Peter. I want you to get out of here now. I don't want to 
ever see your face again. Understand?"

He dropped Peter to the ground and turned his back on him. There was no 
answer. There was no sounds of Peter getting up and leaving the room. 
Dead silence. Then a sound of fear. A low whimper of fear. Then the sound 
as if someone was gulping down a drink. Cameron turned back around 
and screamed. Alexander cradled Peter in his lap. Peter's eyes stared up at 
the ceiling as Alexander continued to tear at his throat and drink the blood. 
Peter's body went limp and Cameron knew his friend was dead.

Cameron stepped back into bed and held Kamala. No matter what had 
happened with Kamala and Peter he had to protect her now. Alexander 
looked up with a bloody grin on his face. He dropped Peter on the floor 
and advanced toward them.

"Who's next?"

The sound of the door slamming downstairs distracted Alexander.

"I am going to take care of our visitor then I am going to check to see if 
anybody else is around then I am going to come back to take care of you 


Cash closed the door behind Sasha and they walked into the nearest room. 
It was Julian's study. Cash felt bad for using his study but couldn't wait 
anymore. Sasha backed up the the desk as Cash followed her. She reached 
behind her and knocked all his papers off. All the accounting and 
newspaper information papers off. She reached to take one last paper off 
and looked at it. A laugh came as she read the contents.

"I didn't know Uncle Julian liked to read The Far Side."

She threw the paper down the the ground as Cash lifted her up onto the 
desk. His lips come down on hers and she could taste the old blood in his 
mouth. His lips pressed against her ear and he nipped playfully at her 
earlobe then kissed his way along her jaw line until he reached her mouth 
again. With one hand he tilted her face towards his and his mouth closed 
over hers. His tongue explored her lips and tongue. Cash broke away from 
their kiss and sat up as a growl rose to his throat and he tore at her dress as 
she reached for his shirt to pull over his head. He bent down to cradle her 
face for a moment and then allowed one finger to move slowly downward 
with all his desire and fire and passion concentrated in that one long finger. 
Sasha felt as if his finger was leaving a trail as it moved slowly down her 
body to her cool slim neck over the curve of her breast then down the the 
soft curve of her belly to the front of one thigh. She gently nipped at his 
neck and pulled his shirt over his head and pulled off his pants. She ran her 
hands through his hair. They lay together.

The door opened.

"Get up. Stop the sex! Get dressed. Come with me or die now."

They were simple commands. At first Sasha thought it was Uncle Julian 
and he was pissed. But as she looked over her shoulder a wave of fear shot 
through her. The person looked exactly like Zane but she knew better. 
Julian told Daedalas about Alexander and told the others about him. 
Warned the Kindred about him. But it was too late.

Alexander looked over at Sasha with interest on his face.

"You stay away from her!"

"Now Cash... don't be a selfish dog!"

Alexander grinned at the handsome and protective Gangrel Primogen.

"My oh my. Two women to play with. This will be so much fun!" "Who 
else is here?"

"Ah Sasha. It's Cameron and his lady love, Kamala. Us five could have 
fun. It doesn't have to be painful. Well, doesn't have to be that painful."

Alexander took the lighter out of his pocket.

"What are you going to do?"

"Shut up, Cash!"

Cameron and Kamala entered the study and saw Cash & Sasha throwing 
their clothes on then focused their attention on Alexander and the lighter.

"Glad you all could be here. I want to take over this city. I want to be 
Prince. I saw Julian at the hospital this evening with his human lover, 
Caitlyn. But I don't worry about Julian anymore. He's pissed at you 
Cameron. He thinks you are responsible for most of those dreams and the 
attack Grace & I did. Nope all my doing! He wants revenge on you. I will 
make sure that Caitlyn's family thinks you are the one totally responsible. 
They will band together and hunt you down. Like I said Julian will be no 
problem. He's... human now. He was part of those gruesome murders last 
night. He killed one person but another I think he kind of liked."

Alexander looked into the shadows and called out. "Andrew! Come out, 
come out wherever you are!"

Everyone was in shock about the news that Julian was human again. But 
that couldn't be true. It was impossible to become human again. Or was it?

Andrew stepped out into the light of the study with a embarrassed look on 
his face. He turned toward Sasha and Cash.

"Sorry. Alexander told me to stay here."

Sasha knew that Andrew was Julian's Childe. He had Embraced the 
frightened young boy. They all stood in the room in deathly silence.

Flip, flip, flip.

Cash watched as Alexander opened and close the top of the lighter.

"I am going to burn this fucking house down tonight. Some of you may 
survive. Some may die. Some may go with me."

Alexander carelessly tossed some gasoline around the room.

"I already had some gasoline poured throughtout the compound. I will 
build a new as Prince of this city. I will rule and I will bring about a 

"What kind of change?"

"A change you didn't want to know, Cash. Things are going to be different 
here for now on. For me and my partner."

"Who's your partner?"

"You ask too many questions, Cash. Thats none of your business. But I 
sent Elena to the hospital to stop Julian from coming back here. I don't 
care if she kills him or just keeps him away she will take good care of 

The lighter top closed once again and then for the final time opened a 
spark lit up. Alexander bent down to start the fire going.


Alexander heard Sasha scream and smiled.

"Baby, it's going to be okay. You'll see that."

The fire flickered with a life of its own and traveled quickly to the curtains. 
Alexander looked at the group of frightened people and lifted his arms 
above his head.

"You're fucking crazy...." Cash whispered with fear in his voice.

Alexander laughed. "Burn, baby, BURN!"

To Be Continued...