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This is the page that will link you to the most helpful Creatures pages out there if your new to the game, want to know how to make a cob, or a new speices of Creatures, then this is the page for you at least It'll evolve into that, right now I only have a few links, few but netherless important and informative.

Creatures Newbie Resource
Definatly the site to visit if you're new to the game, They've got a huge FAQ for C1 and C2.

Creatures Graphix Express
Nothing to do with playing the game, but if you want to make your own Creatures or Creatures 2 website have a look at this page for graphics.

I'd say this page is for Creatures People who plan on Hex editing they're Norns, found this out after I screwed around with my Norn's colors.

Norn in the Mist Picture Guide to Albia
an Excellent guide to Albia with pictures of all the fruits, critters, and such, a must see if you want to know what's good and what's bad.

Palace of the Evil Shee/ Chemical List
an fairly easy Chemical list telling you which chemicals in the advanced science kit you should inject into your Creatures and what you should steer clear of, not recomended to beginners without the advanced science kit or you won't know what Lis is talking about.

Where's the COB?
If you haven't heard of this site yet then you must either be very new at the game, or you just didn't know. Anyway this is a great page for resources on updating your Albia, and your Creatures, a must see for beginners and ofcourse those Creatures "techno junkies"

A very helpful page, Helen's got stuff from COB's, to COB tutorals, to Creatures and wepage Graphics.