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My FFVIII ggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyPage Continued...

Riona comes up to Squall. She thinks he's cute!! ("Kakkoii ne!!" she's saying. Soo da yo!!)

They dance the night away! They're perfect together! (aww...)

Beautiful image of their love. ^_^

Well, that's all my info on FFVIII for now! Get to know more about FF series. "Final Fantasy: Worlds Apart" 2nd Best FF website?

Come back home please!

Now, about the Final Fantasy Movie...

Final Fantasy Movie Plot Details

Though the plot details of the Final Fantasy Movie have been few and far between, it appears some new information has surfaced.

Taking place in a the year 2065, the Earth in the movie is extremely technologically advanced. Somehow, it has been discovered that souls exist, with a sort of energy working behind them. Scientists can manipulate this energy. It isn't known how this will affect the plot of the movie, but it's certainly to play a big part. Of course, any Final Fantasy (game or not) needs some sort of world-destroying threat. In the movie, aliens have attacked Earth and it's up to Grey, an armorman (assumingly an army-like group), and his allies to get rid of the beings and save the world. Although that will please those anticipating the movie for now, there are still a lot of questions to be answered. The movie's estimated release is in 2001, but with a project of this size and caliber, delays seem inevitable. Let's hope Square can avoid this certain fate.