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The large horseshoe muscle below your shoulder is one of the most popular muscles in your body. No bodybuilder is complete without a large well developed tricep. The tricep is involved in a lot of other exercises for different muscles. Any exercise that requires a pushing motion is working the tricep. Some people think that a flat bench press only works the chest. This is not true, not only do your triceps get a workout by flat bench pressing but your delts also get a good workout to. Here are a few exercises to help you develop a better tricep.

1. Pressdown - This is done on a machine with cables. By grabbing the handle, you simple press it down by moving your elbows and keeping your shoulders still.

2. Cable Kickback - With your elbow stabilized, extend your lower arm straight back until your arm is fully extended. Most people do this exercise on a cable machine, but it can be done with dumbbells.

3. One-Arm Extension - Grab the handle of the cable. With your palm facing your body and your elbow bent, extend your arm until it's fully extended.

4. Decline French Press - This exercise is done usually with a barbell but can be done with dumbbells. Lay down on a declined bench. With your arms straight above you, angle them back so the bar is over your face. Bend your elbows slowly to a point beyond and below your head. Then, raise the bar back to the starting position.

5. Flat Bench Press - The main muscle targeted here is the chest. Your triceps do get a decent workout but this exercise should be done as a warm up before your serious tricep exercises begin.

If you have an exercise for the triceps that is not included on this page, send it to me and I'll put it up as soon as possible.

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