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The biggest and most powerful muscles in your body are your quads. A bodybuilder does not look complete unless he/she has a decent pair of quads. I think I speak for everybody when I say that it looks stupid to have a huge upper body supported by chicken legs. Listed below are a few exercises to help you develop and strengthen your quads.

1. The Squat - This is the best exercise you can do for your quads. Place a barbell on the back of your neck keeping your head straight and your arms supporting the bar, squat untill your ass nearly touches the floor and then stand up again. To maximize the results do this exercise slowly.

2. Hack Squat - This exercise is done on a machine. By putting weight on your shoulders while you are squatting, you then push the floor away from you as you try to stand up.

3. Leg Extensions - By sitting down on the machine you lift your knees until they are straight and then let the weight down slowly as your knees bend. This exercise can also be done with just one leg at a time.

If you have an exercise for your quads that's not included on this page, send it to me and I'll put it on as quickly as possible.

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