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T-16 Skyhopper


Model by Vaughn M.



Sheet Styrene, Spare model parts

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/48
Length = 9.9 cm
Width = 17.5 cm
Height = 18.1 cm

I was interested in this ship because it was a "model". We all dream and it was nice to see the future Jedi as a boy (and model builder!) who constructs models of the ships that he loved. The only reference for the T-16 was "A New Hope" and a vague blueprint in the 'Star Wars Blueprints' pack. Then the Star Wars Technical Journal came out! With reasonable drawings, my first scratch build was underway.
The only kit parts were a thrust nozzle and a pilot from my spares box.
.040 sheet styrene framed the triangular fuselage and made the wings. I put two seats in the cockpit but only one pilot. The cannon was carved from sprue as were other small details.

The Gray stripe is again Testors while the top stripe and emblem were painted Tamiya Red. (The emblem by the way is from either a city or province in Germany and can be found as markings on Bf-109 fighter aircraft of Jg-26 from the second world war.)
The windshields are clear styrene sprayed with Tamiya Clear Blue. The model was sprayed with a tone of White/Brown that I mixed from Testors paints. It was then over-sprayed with Light Brown to simulate the grime that a desert causes.

Weathering and details were various Blacks, Grays and Chrome Silver.
The large ring on the rear fuselage surrounding the nozzle was made from sheet styrene, The smaller Black rings were slices of of Q-tips...(spare parts are wherever you find 'em! )

Thus, my first scratch build!

I learned a lot, like make sure you use thick enough plastic...I didn't and ended up rebuilding the fuselage when the first buckled under my fingers. Also, as soon as you get it info will come out to show you that many things on you newly crafted gem are wrong!!!

Build it anyway...
This is the Griffin emblem on the sides of the T-16. The ILM model makers made many of the Star Wars models from whatever model kit pieces they could get their hands on and the markings were the same. The marking on the Skyhopper was actually just a decal from a German aircraft model kit.

Photos and artwork by Stephen L.