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Enterprise • NX-01 • NX Class Starfleet Starship


Model by Stephen L.


Box Stock

Polar Lights kit 4201 (Enterprise NX-01)

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/350
Length = 64.4 cm
Width = 38.0 cm
Height = 9.7 cm

This is me with the Polar Lights NX-01. It's such a well detailed kit...and such a large physical model.

This will undoubtedly be a long in-progress model as I don't see how this model, with over 200 parts can be finished quickly. I'm seriously considering lighting this beast...I hadn't lit a model before, but this one's just asking for it! All of the windows and most of the nacelle parts are clear plastic.

I'll update with more photos as work progresses.

Incidentally, I am going to name this model Enterprise, but I got the model on the same day as the premiere of the Enterprise episode "E2", where they revealed that the next NX-class starship would be named Columbia NX-02 so I had to try out the look using home made temporary decals.
Some time has passed now and construction is almost complete. The deflector dish and the details along the nacelles are not glued in place yet.

Some red filler putty has been used to fix the few seams that will show. The fit of the kit is fairly good. One thing I wasn't able to fix was the angle the nacelles are aligned at. The saucer and nacelles should be horizontal. In reality, they swoop slightly downward compared to the saucer's centerline.
The clear areas for the blue deflector and blue nacelle grilles, along with the impulse engines and a few other clear details were tinted with Gunze-Sangyo Clear Blue Tint. Because the model was not going to be illuminated, I airbrushed Flat White onto the interior of that blue tint to give some substance to the clear blue. If I hadn't, the clear blue would look very dark once the nacelle was glued together. The effect is rather neat. I'll try to get a good picture to show that effect.
The nacelle domes were tinted Gunze-Sangyo Clear Red from the inside. That way, the tint won't scrape off while handling the model and it can be masked, also without ruining the finish. The detail part inside the nacelle cap was left clear plastic.
Now the model has a full coat of Gray Primer on it. The impulse engines have been filled in with Silly Putty and masking tape was used to cover the nacelle caps, warp grilles, and lower sensor dome.

I've finally decided the base coat will be Model Master Light Gray with at least two other darker shades of gray for subsequent hull colors.
This is the logo worn on the shoulders on Starfleet uniforms of Enterprise crew members.

I drew the logo in Illustrator. I'm contemplating making an ornate stand for the model using this logo in favor of the plain silhouette stand that comes with the kit.

Photos and artwork by Stephen L.