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U.S.S. Lantree • NCC-1837 • Miranda Class (Refit I)


Model by Mike S.


Box Stock (modified)

PNT Models kit #MM02 (Avenger Class Starship)

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/2500
Length = 9.4 cm
Width = 5.6 cm
Height = 2.1 cm

Behold! This little gem of a kit was made for the "Daughter of Prospero" contest held on the Starship Modeler website. The object was to build any version or kitbash of the 1/2500th scale Miranda class starship produced by PNT Models.

The four piece resin kit was very easy to work with and came with markings for five "official" starships.

The version I selected was the USS Lantree NCC-1837 from the Star Trek: TNG episode "Unnatural Selection". It was a modified Miranda class transport that did not have the "roll bar" or phasers above the nacelle pylons.
The base coat for the kit was Model Master (MM) French Light Blue Gray. Colors used on the warp engines included MM Medium Gray and Insignia Blue and Testors Metallic Copper and Zinc Chromate Yellow.

For the impulse crystals on top and bottom I used Testors Mat Sky Blue and Testors Aluminum for bridge detailing
Most of the decals used were from the supplied sheet made by Thomas Models which applied very nicely, however there were a few custom decals made with self-stick labels for the registry names, numbers and some of the pennants. These were made MSFM's Stephen L., who was also took the pictures for the site.

 The kit had to be modified slightly as the top of the nacelle struts needed to be cut off for it to be flush with the rest of the hull. One problem I had encountered (twice) was one of the nacelle struts snapping when handling the kit. The piece was very thin but eventually I got it to stay together with strong glue.

I have two more of these kits, one I plan on building as the USS Reliant from "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" and the last one as a modified gunship with lots of cool parts to blow up other ships!  :P

It was a fun little build but wish that I had been able to build it in one stretch like I had originally planned. I hope you like the Lantree as much as I enjoyed completing it!

Photos by Stephen L.