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Gundam 01 • Mobile Suit XXXG-01


Model by Eugene T.


Box Stock

Bandai kit #0077149

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/100
Length = 3.4 cm
Width = 9.5 cm
Height = 13.4 cm

01 is the codename for the first Gundam constructed to go to Earth. As part of Operation: Meteor, it was going to join with the other Gundams to conquer the world and protect the colonies. The pilot's name is Hiro Yui. But instead of following orders,  he, like the others, chose to stop the operation and attack Oz alone.
With this model I painted all the original details and then added the battle damage in Black, and in some places misted with Gray to lighten or darken the area.

I used Bright Yellow, Crimson, Black, Red Iron Oxide, and Spring Green To give the Gundam its look

 Photos by Eugene T.