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Galileo II • NCC-1701/7 • U.S.S. Enterprise Shuttlecraft 7


Model by Dave A.


Sheet styrene, Densified foam, MDF, Wood

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/12
Length = 60.8 cm
Width = 37.9 cm
Height = 21.2 cm

The Galileo shuttlecraft was my first scratchbuilt model. I started the model in July '94 and finished in March '95. I spent approximately 173 hours building the ship. The shuttle is 1/12 scale...I like building big! The shuttle is made from MDF and insulating foam, in 1" thick pieces, laminated together till I got my desired thickness. Then, using a knife, files and sandpaper, I shaped the foam to the right size and shape.
After the top and bottom were complete I coated them with a latex-based sealer, which left a hard coating on the foam. I used the MDF for the wings and engine supports. The engine and round lip at the roof of the shuttle are made from wood trim and dowel. Maybe some day I'll rebuild a shuttle with an interior, but at the time I was quite happy with the model as-is.

Photos by Stephen L.