my picture at University of Maryland

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Eugene Lee (Li), Ph.D.

Industry Economist Intel Web Page Wizard newhp4

U.S. Department of Energy

Federal Reserve Bank, San Francisco

Stanford University

Monetary Authority of Singapore

East-West Center, Honolulu


University of Maryland


 my picture at University of Maryland My name is Eugene Yunqi Lee. I am currently an economist with U.S. Department of Energy and was a consultant for U.S. Department of Commerce, BEA,in Washington DC. I used to work at the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank, Monetary Authority of Singapore, and study at Stanford University. After I had received my Ph.D. in Economics in 1994, I was hired as a consultant for East-West Center in Honolulu and a chief Economist for Government of Guam. I have been an adjunct professor for University of Maryland and Troy State University since 1996.

I like sunny beach, transparent water and warm weather. I like drawing pictures and playing music instruments in my spare time. Swimming and scuba diving are my favorite sports. I play golf in Guam and ski in Aspen and Utah occasionally. I love traveling to different places and exploring different cultures.

Photo 1, Teaching at Univ. of Maryland

Photo 2, Traveling in Boston

Photo 3, Playing in Wall Street

Photo 4, Seminar at Univ. of Maryland

Photo 5, Relaxing at Home

Pht 6, With my professor, Ronald McKinnon, at Stanford University

Pht 7, With a Nobelist, Milton Friedman at Federal Reserve Bank

Pht 8, As a Chief Economist at UN & SPC meetings

Pht 9,With Taiwan, Singapore & China's Leaders

Pht 10, Meetings in Japan (97), Australia (97) and D.C. (98)

My Articles in "Asian Wall Street Journal" Article 1; Article 2; Article 3; Article 4;

My Articles in "The Project for United Nations, ESCAP"; My Article published in UC Berkeley;

The Project for Guam Governor and U.S. Department of Defense

My Article in Federal Reserve Bank's Weekly Letter

Diving in Pacific Ocean(Photograph)

Skiing in Aspan, Colorado (Photograph)

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