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Take a peek into my mind and my life

Welcome to my world, stay a while and take a look around!!

werd up dudes.. here it is.. either you're here because you know me or you just fell into this place by accident you have encountered my homepage i'm not that good at this yet so it's kinda crappy right now but i'm learning and i'll soon ahve a scanner so i'll be putting up MY pics instead of borrowing other ppl's pics.. ehhee... i'm a leech. Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you leave.

Bands, friends homepages and other things that i like
Stuff About Me
My Guestbook
E-mail me
My Webcam

if that's all that i wanted, why are my arms still stretched out, my hands still open? what i really would enjoy is touching your skin with my own and listening to your every breath. in an instant of pleasure and of pain, we would both be swept into the ocean and we would drown in our self consciousness. someday i will realize how much time i've wasted and will regret every decision i have ever made. perhaps that day was yesterday. perhaps.

this layout is just temporary, i'm very tired and sick so i'll make it a lot better when i'm feeling a lot better

This page was created by Sean Collis on 22/05/00