Linkages with South Africa during the International Decade for Indigenous Peoples

Linkages with South Africa during the International Decade for Indigenous Peoples

The following is an outline of the key activities undertaken by Elder William Commanda with people and organizations from South Africa

1998 – Welcomed President Nelson Mandela to North America and presented him with an eagle feather, as the conference of the highest honour for both his fight against racism and for the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation reflected in his personal and political ideals (both are recipients of a Wolf Award)

1999 – In collaboration with the Wolf Project, initiated a dialogue between students from the Western Quebec School Board and from South Africa

2000 – During his Millennium Circle of All Nations Peace Gathering, facilitated the participation of 5 South African youth from the Eersterust Youth Development Outreach Project), Ipopeng Youth Art Project from the Making a Difference Initiative, Umtapo Peace Education Centre, and the National Association of Child Care Workers

2001 – Andre Jaquet, High Commissioner for South Africa, participated in the 2001 Circle of All Nations Gathering in Kitigan Zibi, Quebec

2001 – Supported Government of Canada’s preparations for the World Conference Against Racism in South Africa

2001 - Participated in peace building efforts in South Africa during the World Conference Against Racism, not as an official representative of the Government of Canada, but on his own, because of his profound commitment to the promotion of racial harmony;

- conducted workshops at the Smashing Myths and Stereotypes: Putting Anti-Racism to Work Conference (Uptapo Peace Education Centre and Democracy Development Programs, and National Association of Child Care Workers Training Conference in Durban, and for the Brahma Kumaris in Johannseberg, attended the Steve Biko Awards Presentation, and conducted pipe ceremonies on the Durban Beach and the Valley of a Thousand Hills

- Met Zulu shaman, medicine man and writer Credo Mutwa, and commenced on ongoing relationship underpinned by their connection with the indigenous prophecies of their ancestors, in particular the Seven Fires Prophecy

- Conducted a healing ceremony at a former prison/concentration camp – this was an intriguing experience, because immediately upon setting foot on soil of the beautiful retreat centre, he felt the agony held within the earth; later, after being apprised of the history of the site, he was asked to do a prayer; the half a dozen participants were witness to an acknowledgement of tobacco ceremony by the ancestral energies on the land

- Another intriguing event: he was at the Sandton Centre on September 11, 2001 when a big windstorm blew up – he said to his companion that something bad had just happened to the world; shortly after, he learned of the attacks on New York, and his return to North America was delayed by several days

Ongoing informal support of activities of the High Commission of South Africa and the South African Rainbow Association