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Brodie ProfileNamed after Martin Broduer (greatest goalie on earth, hockey) one and one third year old puppydog, with one sibling (Makita, black chihuahua, one year younger that brodie) 4 pounds 5 inches long, and likes to bark!Lastest StuffWhassssssuuuuuup miy amigos! Easter vacation's done, snif snif! My dude left me and went somewhere for a week, but now i'm happy he's back!!! He'll be out of school soon, and that will be cool because I'll be able to spend all day with him! Makita's been gettin in alot a trouble lately, she's been gettin in to everything she can find! I feel bad for her cause she always gets spanked! It's hard ta live with makita! Peace Out or I mean Hasta Luego!