BOB's Happy Land of Stories and Stuff
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BOB's Happy Land of Stories and Stuff

Here is my page for happy stories about...ME! And whatever else you think should be on my page. Please send me stories!

A Day in the Life of BOb
(aka a story with no title as it is too complicated to have one)

I was stuck in a car with 2 crazy boys, Dork 1 and Dork 2. Actually they were two invisible grapes whose names were Jessica and TonkyWonky They live in a crater on the moon. So that means that I am driving on the moon. My name is BOb th e Invisible Orange. I live on Jupiter. I am eating a mouse and an elephant in a tree. The tree just learned how to speak Wukish. Joe invented Wukish. Joe likes to eat me. There is an old lady with shades driving an old Folkswagon She is eating Jessica’s cousin’s neighbour’s best friend’s pet gorilla. Tonky Wonky is blue and has a pet pig who talks Wukish to Mr. Bobphrey who lives on the sun with the old lady with shades. Mr. T.V. lives with the old lady with shades who made a banana fig for Tonky Wonky. Mr. T.V. and Mr. Bobphrey are fighting. They both want to marry the old lady with the shades, but she wants to marry Jessica. Jessica is very fat. She looks like a big round orange. So she wants to marry me, BOb, the Invisible Orange. But I want to marry Dapsy. Dapsy’s Green and has big eyelashes. But Dapsy wants to eat D. C. from Maria Cart. It is very confusing, eh? But Fatman wants to marry the mouse and the elephant. The elephant want to marry Peachie, also from Maria Cart, but. . . ARGHHHHHH (Please excuse us, the author just died. Joe will be continuing with the story.)The old lady with the shades ate BOb said Mr. T. V. who now thinks that his once true love is a rotten cannibal. So now nobody wants to marry the old lady with the shades. So she has decided to eat everyone, but she suddenly got even fatter than Jessica is and ever will be, so she is now dead. (She blew up like a balloon and then Mr. Bobphrey popped her with a pin)
By Lisa


happy happy
happy happy
happy happy
happy happy
happy happy
happy happy
happy happy
happy happy
by BOb
(w/ help from Lisa)

Original Quotes
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
When life gives you oranges, don't waste time in making it in to juice
The only things in life guarunteed free are life and death
Dreaming is the only the first step, acting is the last
Go for your dream, even if you don't accomplish anything, you still learn failure
The only time something fails, is when you stop trying to acheive it
-By Brandon (frog boy)

Original Poems
This is a Poem about Styrofoam
Which I ate and met my Fate
It made me wide and then I died
That was a Poem about Styrofoam

Bubble Wrap, it tastes like C*ap
It makes a Sound, it makes me round
Bubble Wrap, it tastes like C*ap
-By Kelsey

A Story Titled: Santa's Overwhelmingly Stressful Night Of Elephants

Any similarities to any companies, groups or people in this story is entirely coincidental. I will not be held responsible for any copyright problems.

"Oh my gosh!" exclaimed Santa upon entering the reindeer stables, "What has happened to all of my rieindeer? Dasher, Dancer, what's wrong?Comet? Cupid? Wake up Prancer, Hey Vixen!?? Oh no, Donner, Blitzen?!! Ahhhhh! He ran out to go find Bernard, his best reindeer doctor.
"hmmm...." Bernardsurveyed the pile of reindeer thoughtfully,"They have definetely got the reindeer chicken pox!"
"Is that,"gasped Sanda,"deadly??"
"Not in the least," Bernard assured the frightened Santa. He asked Santa to leave the stables and go do something useful. " I, "he proclaimed loudly,"will work some medicinal maggic on these poor, sick reindeer."
Santa scurried outside into the cold snow, but, when he saw that Bernard was no longer watching him retreat, but studying the reindeer thoughtfully, he turned around. Peering through the slightly ajar door, Santa saw Bernard pull a book out of his dark magenta bag.
HOW TO CURE REINDEER OF CHICKEN POX! the book read. 'Oh no, though Santa,'He won't get anywhere in time for my big flight. I'll have to do this myself!'
Moments later, Santa was perched in front of his computer. he was on the web at WebVan dot com.
Flying Reindeer announced Santa s he toled the site what he wanted.
Sorry came the answer we have no flying reindeer. For a product close to flying reindeer, click here!
Santa Claus sighed as he clicked.'wonder what they will manage to come up with.....'
His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw flying elephants on the screen. "I always have had a soft spot in my heart for elee funts," he giggled as he ordered eight.
However, by eight o'clock, Santa was in tears."The elee funts haven't come yet! Oh No! And not Bernard has come down with the elf chicken pox. I am overly stressd out! I can't handle it!!"
Mrs. Claus found Santa sobbing over his computer and told Santa that he immediately needed to take some medicine.
"Not Advil!!"sobbed Santa
"Oh no, nothing of the sort! Of course not! I meant cookies and milk!" came the jovial reply.
Santa perked up at this news, but resumed his noisy sobbing when he saw that they were raisin cookies. " I have such a stressful life!" he told Mrs. Claus in tears.
At that moment, the doorbell rang! A smile already on his face, Santa bounced over to the big wooden door.
"They're here!!They're here!!" he chortled happily, " my eleefunts are here!! Yippee! Yahoo!! Yayyyyyyy!!
Moments later, the sleigh was harnessed, and the elephants knew what to do. Present wer in the sack, and Santa was looking jolly in his fuzzy red suit.
Suddenly, to everyone's dismay, a fog settled in everywhere! Santa was about to burst into tears when an elf jokingly questioned the elephants,"Hey, anyone have a glowing red nose!???"
"Nope," came the serious reply, then, just as seriously,"but we do have blue feet!! Serious!! Honest!! No Joke!"
"Okay!!" yelled Santa,"get your feet ready, 'cause heeere weeeee goooooo!!!!"
With that, they were off, flying through the air. They got the jo done, and everyone got their presents. "Good job," Santa congratulated the elephants,"I may have to consider using you guys more often..."
To himself he added,"Despite the couple broken roofs.... couple dozen that is......."
With a ground shuddering THUD Santa and his elephants landed on the soft snow of the north pole.
All of the elves, and Mrs. Claus too, greeted them joyously. However momentarily, Bernard stepped forward.
"umm, Santa, I'm afraid I have some bad news! The reindeer are all better....""Well why is that bad news" questioned Santa.
"Umm, well, they are ready to go on the big trip. They are very anxious to go, and just don't understand that you've already gone....."
"We'll just have to go again then!" came Santa's jovial reply. "Why not?"
Seconds later, Santa was on his way again. This trip was easier, for reindeer are very easy to handle, especially compared to elephants. The only hard part, though, was that a couple of roofs weren't there."Elephants,"sighed Santa,"Well, I guess that's life."
Christmas morning certainly was a big occasion that time, because there were double the presents. Two rides, two presents.
As for Santa, he was happy and jolly and decided that WebVan was simply wonderful! Elephants were his new favourite animal and raisin cookies turned out to be not that bad, after all!!


I don't know if anyone is actually reading this page, constantly checking for wonderful updates, so anyone who responds to this saying OOGALABOOGALA!! will receive the chance to do lunch with Wanda!!!! WHat a prize!!! Yay!!!