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The Anti-Chain Letter Club

Click here to email BOb and tell him you want to become a member!

They pollute our mailboxes and our minds.

They deviously trick us into thinking we have mail.

They can make any perfectly good day go bad.

They emotionally scar nervous people.

They rampage the internet and steal their way into the lives of innocent people.

They are chain letters, and we are out to stop them, once and for all!!!


What is the anti-chain letter club?
The anti-chain letter club is a group op people (and watermelons) who will not tolerate chain letters any longer!!!

What does the anti-chain letter club do?
Whenever a member of the club is sent a chain letter, they respond to the email with an email that looks something like this:

Dear Sir or Madam:

Chain letters are rude. Please do not send them to me any more. Also, please go to BOb's website and joint he anti-chain letter club at:

How do I join the anti-chain letter club?
Simply send an email to and tell him you are becoming a member. Then, whenever you get a chain letter in the mail, just send then back an email such as the one above. (You may directly copy the one off of this webpage.)

What if I forget what to do?
Don't worry! When you email me, BOb telling me that you are a member, I will send you back some instructions on what to do. It's easy, free (of course, what would a watermelon do with money?) and eventually, you may even stop getting those pesky chain letters!!!

What counts as a chain letter?
Usually, a chain letter is an emil sent out to numerous people that says something like "send this to a hundred people or you will die next week." They claim to bring bad luck if you do not send them. This is not true, I tell you. Take it from an invisible watermelon, the bad luck comes when you send the chain letter and everyone gets mad at you!

Are all forwards chain letters?
No. Some forwards are cute little stories that do not claim to bring bad luck and are simply nice things sent to friends. This club is not meant to abolish these. However, if you do not like getting these, simply tell the person who sent them to you that you do not with to receive them any longer.
Do I always have to respond to EVERY chain letter I get?
No! There is only one thing you must ALWAYS do to remain a member of this club, and this is to NEVER SEND A CHAIN LETTER!!! Cute little forwards are fine, (as long as the people receiving them don't mind.) But you must NEVER send an email that claims to bring bad luck if you don't send it. These are mean and rude, and if you send one, you will no longer be an honored member of BOb's beautious club.

So JOIN TODAY!!! You will soon see the benefits!!!
