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   From Stockade to Commercial Metropolis

         Early in 1748
         The British Government having decided upon the necessity of a fortified and
         permanent establishment on the Atlantic coast of Acadia determined on Chebucto
         which was the name given to the site on which the City of Halifax now stands by
         the Indians, one of the principal reasons of this decision being on account of the
         magnificent harbour and contour of land giving splendid opportunity for fortifying

         Early in 1749
         Some 1200 men with families who had volunteered for settlement left England,
         each supplied with a liberal grant from the British Treasury, and in May of that
         year, a fleet of 13 transports and a sloop-of-war, "The Sphinx," set sail from
         England under command of Colonel Honourable Edward Cornwallis, and on June
         21st the fleet entered what was then known as Chebucto Bay, later changed to
         Halifax Harbour in honour of Lord Halifax, President of the Board of Trade and
         Plantations who had played a principal part in the establishment. Work was begun
         immediately under the direction of the Military in laying out streets, erecting
         dwellings and shops and constructing a strong palisade of pickets for the purpose
         of combating the hostile Indians.

Halifax, as drawn from "ye top masthead" in 1750.
         In 1750
         The first Anglican Church, St. Paul's was built and the original church forms the
         main part of the present house of worship situated opposite the "Grand Parade."
         In 1752
         A pen and ink picture of Halifax shows the present George Street leading into an
         open square, since known as the "Grand Parade," thence up to Citadel Hill which
         was then a natural clearing, but afterwards made "star" shaped and generally
         improved. The residence of the Governor was situated where the Province Building
         now stands and continued there up to 1800 when the present residence of the
         Lieutenant Governor, extending from Barrington to Hollis Streets, was commenced
         to be built. A wharf or landing stage, was the only piece of construction on the
         water front which then extended nearly up to Bedford Row - since filled in to make
         the harbour front regular. For years the town limits were between the present
         Sackville Street and extending north to the foot of Cornwallis Street, block houses
         having been erected at both these points and picket palisades between extending
         to the Citadel, where a large block house or fort had been built. The first settlement
         outside of these limits was made near Gerrish Street or at the site of the little
         Dutch Church at the corner of Gerrish and Brunswick Streets, settlers at this point
         being principally from Germany, Switzerland and other parts of Europe. This
         location, however, has since been an important part of the City. The same year
         "The Halifax Gazette," the first newspaper in Canada, was printed on March 23rd.

         In 1754
         The first fire fighting organization was formed and known as the "Union Fire Club."
         In 1755
         Following the outbreak of the "Seven Years War" Halifax soon became a
         naval and military depot for the British in British North America. Fortifications
         were built and large amounts of Imperial money spent on what was then
         considered the most up-to-date means of defence, but to-day looked upon as
         only history. Halifax also became the headquarters of the British Navy of the

         In 1758
         The Dockyard was first established and is still a point of historic interest. One
         of the great attractions of the City is a visit to the several forts wherein some
         relics of former times may be examined - the view from the fort on Citadel Hill
         is very fine and hundreds of visitors are shown through it each year.
          In 1775
          The national war having been proclaimed in November of that year brought about
          great activity in the City - new fortifications and batteries were erected and large
          bodies of militia were ordered on garrison duty and for several years the City was
          very properous.

          In 1780
          The first Grammar School was opened.

          In 1781
          The Ordnance Wharf at the extreme north of Hollis Street is shown in a nautical
          chart as having a 5 gun battery - there was also a battery of 6 guns at what was
          then known as Commissioners Point, directly to the south of the Dockyard.

          In 1784
          The first Roman Catholic Church was built.

          In 1793
          When war with France was declared, Halifax was in a turmoil with ships of war,
          troops and military activity, and an expedition from Halifax attacked the Island of
          St. Pierre, a French settlement, and many prisoners were brought to this City.
          In 1797
          Prince Edward, afterwards the Duke of Kent and father of Queen Victoria, arrived
          at Halifax and took command of the Garrison.

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