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The Sex Trade Has to Stop!
Trafficking of a person is condemned by the International Community as a violation of fundamental human rights, according to a report from Global Survival Network. One of the fastest growing trafficking businesses is the sex trade and this cruelty is still highly being practiced all over the world.

Every year more than 50,000 women and children are trafficked to the U.S. to be forced into prostitution, bonded sweatshop labor and domestic servitude! Worldwide, trafficking involves up to 2 million people!

Russia has become one of the major countries, which make women believe their situation would be better if they'd go working abroad with different “working agencies.“ Instead they end up in inhumanly bad situations were domestic violence and other physical as well as psychological harming is more than usual.

This persecution can no longer be accepted. Let us work together to eradicate this form of modern-day slavery, because no society is truely democratic until all human beings are guaranteed their rights of freedom, dignity and equality.

Here are some links where you can find further information...

International League of Human Rights
Global Survival Network
End child prostitution!

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Sex Trafficking of Women

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