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by Michael D. O'Quinn.

I think that all prophets have to go through a time of rejection 

after accepting their personal calling as a prophet.  I don't know 

if this period is a part of a prophet's ministry, per se, (Jesus' 

ministry began at age 30) but I believe it _is_ part of our training.  

Our Lord is much acquainted with grief, and until we can enter into 

that with Him, we don't know that part of His heart.  So, although 

I've had some difficult years, some heart fruit, at least,  is now 

coming out of that.

Vision: Hang Gliding.

This is my first post to this list.  This is actually new territory 

for me.  Not the idea of prophecy or hearing from God, but for me 

it's been difficult to accept the calling God has for me.  Mostly, 

I struggle with sin and I never believed that God would want to use 

someone was wretched as myself.  

I am sharing this partially in obedience to "not hiding my light 

under a bushel" and partially in the hope that others may find it 


During March of 1997 I was crying out to God, asking Him 

what His calling on my life was all about.  

God answered me with a vision, one that took three days 

to completely unfold.  This is the most intense vision 

I've ever received.  I was not just watching it on a 

"movie screen", I was participating in it as though it 

were actually happening.  Even now, a year later, the 

memory has not faded - it's as though I am remembering 

something that actually happened.  I could see, hear, 

touch, smell, and taste my surroundings -- I even 

developed vertigo.

This is that vision:

I am standing on the edge of a very high cliff.  It's 

the dark of the night, and I can see thousands or even 

millions  of lights spread out below me.  Some of the 

lights are small, and some are large and spread out 

across a wide area.  Some are bright, while others are 

so dim I can barely see them.  The large lights were not 

necessarily the brightest -- in fact, some of the 

smallest were also among the brightest.  Overall I could 

see no correlation between the size of a light and how 

bright it was.

I knew immediately that the lights were churches in all 

their denominations, sects, and varieties, and that I 

was seeing churches all over the world.  Some of the 

lights were connected with others, like a string of 

towns along a freeway in a nighttime satellite picture, 

while others were isolated.  Some were so close together 

that I had to shield the brighter ones in order to see 

the dimmer.  My overall impression was of a vast 

uncomprehendingly complex network.

I spent a long time -- most of the night in the vision 

-- just looking at the lights and marveling at their 

striking, almost unearthly beauty.  As I looked at this 

beautiful network of lights, I realized that something 

was going to happen soon, and that after this event the 

world below would be plunged into a darkness such as it 

had never known.

As the sky started to brighten with the dawn, I noticed 

some things nearby.

First, I realized that I was strapped into a hang 

glider.  I knew I was in that hang glider to take part 

in some sort of battle -- a rescue operation for the 

lights (churches and people) below. 

Next I noticed that there were people on either side of 

me, also strapped into hang gliders.  As I looked in the 

ever increasing light, I realized that the entire cliff 

section was lined with people who were ready -- even 

anxious -- to jump off the cliff and begin the rescue.  

There were many thousands of warriors on this cliff 

edge, all straining forward, anxious to fight that final 

battle.  As I gazed farther and farther out to my sides, 

I saw more cliff sections like the one I was on.  Each 

cliff was lined with people ready to go, just like the 

cliff I was on.  I knew that we were all waiting to 

swoop down to those lights below to carry them back up 

to this cliff and to safety.

I saw many Great Men of God there.  Some were young, 

some old, some had years of battle experience, while 

others just seemed to have an anointing which prepared 

them for the battle to follow.  I felt humbled to be in 

such company.  My initial surge of excitement over the 

glory of the coming  battle dissipated as I realized how 

many of these veterans were so much more qualified than 

I.  I began to wonder if God had made a mistake placing 

me among such pillars of the kingdom.

After a while, I noticed that the hang glider of the 

person on my right was not assembled quite correctly.  

One of the tensioning wires that held it together was 

dangerously loose.  It would probably hold in normal, 

sedate cruising, but I knew that in the stress and 

strain of battle he was going to loose a wing.  He was 

going to fall to his death, or at the very least he was 

going to be neutralized from the battle, right when he 

would be needed the most.

The person on my left was a grizzled old veteran, with 

the battle scars to prove it.  Both his own body and his 

craft showed signs of former damage, but both were 

repaired and healthy.  One wing spar was a different 

color because it had been replaced, there were many 

patches on the fabric, and the handlebar covering was 

worn through to the bare metal in places.  But the 

overall craft was sound and ready for battle.

As I looked around, I saw other details about many of 

the hang gliders.  Some were assembled incorrectly , or 

had something broken, or were not strapped on quite 

right.  A few were even being worn backward.  But no one 

seemed to notice.  I grieved when I realized how many of 

these warriors would be neutralized in the battle, and 

that some would even fall to their deaths and be lost 


I was puzzled by this, so I asked the Lord, "What's 

going on Lord?  Why are so many of these people so ill 

prepared?  Why do they care so much about the future 

glory of the battle, and so little about themselves and 

their neighbors?"

In reply He simply said, "Turn around."  I unstrapped my 

glider, turned, and looked.

What I saw next broke my heart.

Immediately behind me was another row of people in hang 

gliders. Behind these there were even more, and behind 

those, more.  Row upon row of warriors, all waiting for 

the opportunity to move up to the cliff's edge for that 

final glorious jump.

But these warriors' crafts were even less prepared than 

the ones in the front row.  The farther back I looked, 

the more I saw hazards among the hang gliders.  Some had 

perfectly assembled and balanced frames, but no fabric 

on their wings.  Others had only half a frame, with the 

extra fabric flapping uselessly in the wind.  A few had 

no frame at all, they simply had their fabric wrapped 

around their bodies.  There were many, many variations 

on this, some obvious, like the missing frame, and some 

more subtle, like the loose tensioning wire on my 

immediate right.

A couple warriors even had no evidence of a hang glider 

at all.  Those ones were the most arrogant and boastful, 

utterly confidant that their abilities and inherent 

"goodness" would bring them great glory in the coming 


Most, however, truly meant well but were simply unaware 

that their craft was not ready.

Many of the warriors were prepared, or at least their 

hang gliders were.  But the number of those who were not 

astounded and shocked me.  Even more shocking to me was 

the utter lack of concern each man demonstrated for his 

neighbor.  Each ill prepared craft had the potential to 

neutralize two warriors in this vast army: the wearer of 

that glider, and the one who was going to have to 

abandon the harvest below to rescue him or her.

As I looked even farther back, I saw the rear edge of 

those who were in place for the battle.  There was a lot 

of turbulence there as the people in the last few rows 

were settling in.

Back further yet, almost at the limits of my vision, I 

saw the most heartbreaking sight of all.  I saw millions 

of people running and leaping forward, all anxious to 

get in line for the final battle.  They were running 

across a vast plain, but in places their progress was 

impeded by large hills and even a few small mountains.  

Most just ran around the hills and mountains.  A few 

climbed over, and just a few -- a very precious few -- 

stopped long enough to investigate the mountains 

themselves.  Of those few who stopped and looked, most 

soon gave up and rejoined the crowd rushing headlong to 

the final battle.

Of all the hills and mountains out on the plain, a 

couple had been exposed for what actually they were.  

They were not really hills at all, but vast piles of 

unassembled hang gliders covered by immense tarps.  The 

majority of the people were ignoring the very things 

they needed to survive the coming harvest, much less 

have an effective role in it.

When I realized this, I fell down sobbing in grief.  For 

someone who has rejected God to fall to their death is 

one thing, but for the vast numbers of newly converted 

who were going to lose their lives -- that crushed the 

breath right out of me.

As I lay there crying in grief and gasping for air, I 

cried out in my heart to God "Why have you given me this 

terrible, terrible burden?  Isn't it enough that you've 

had me so many years in the desert?  What can I possibly 


He answered with words from Ezekiel 38:

     "Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to 

     them: `When I bring the sword against a land, and 

     the people of the land choose one of their men and 

     make him their watchman, and he sees the sword 

     coming against the land and blows the trumpet to 

     warn the people, then if anyone hears the trumpet 

     but does not take warning and the sword comes and 

     takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. 

      Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did 

     not take warning, his blood will be on his own 

     head.  If he had taken warning, he would have 

     saved himself.  But if the watchman sees the sword 

     coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the 

     people and the sword comes and takes the life of 

     one of them, that man will be taken away because 

     of his sin, but I will hold the watchman 

     accountable for his blood.'

     "Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the 

     house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give 

     them warning from me.  When I say to the wicked, 

     `O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do 

     not speak out to dissuade him from his ways, that 

     wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold 

     you accountable for his blood.  But if you do warn 

     the wicked man to turn from his ways and he does 

     not do so, he will die for his sin, but you will 

     have saved yourself.

With that promise, the constriction in my chest eased, 

my sobs slowly ebbed, and once again I could see some 


I started telling the others there on the cliff's edge, 

making them aware of the state of their crafts.  Even 

more importantly --  far far more importantly -- I 

started encouraging them to check their neighbors.  

Eventually I was exhorting all of them to pass along 

this Spirit of holiness, of critically examining oneself 

and one's craft in the Light of truth and love.

I watched as this spread out like a wave.  As each 

pastor came to understand the need for checking to make 

sure their craft was O.K. -- and why -- they passed it 

along to their neighbors.  As I watched I saw similar 

splashes in the vast army, where other watchmen had 

sounded the same cry.

The final thing I and the other watchmen did was direct 

the attention of the leaders to the hundred of thousands 

of leaders behind them and to the millions of new 

believers still running up to the battle formation.  We 

started exhorting the pastors to prepare their leaders 

and this horde for what was ahead.


For me personally, this vision is has brought a lot of 

clarity and definition about my role in God's Kingdom.  

Dad has spent many years teaching me who I am in 

relation to Him, that I am His son, and that he takes 

immense pleasure in me for that reason alone and not 

because I "perform" to His satisfaction.  I know the 

fact the Dad says I am a watchman does not mean He loves 

me more or less than anyone else.  In fact, although I 

can see indications of this calling as far back in my 

life as early childhood, it was not until I got my basic 

identity as Dad's son and the Son's bride settled that I 

could actually be of any use to Him in this role.

I've always had a heart for unity, particularly between 

churches that are geographically close but infinitely 

separated by the wily ploys of the devourer...


If nothing else, this vision helps me realize that when 

God tells me something and asks me to pass it on, there 

might actually be a possibility that maybe He really 

does want me to be obedient in following through.  (I 

think the bible refers to this as having a "mustard 

seed's" amount of faith.)

Almost as important for me in this vision is what I 

didn't see.  In the vision I didn't notice or 

particularly care about the individual weapons and tools 

which each warrior had.  I was not concerned about their 

skills at using them.  Although I could clearly see the 

personality and heart of each person when I looked at 

them, the reason for that was not that I should somehow 

"fix" who they are or teach them how to fight the 

fight.  Rather, by seeing each person's heart, I could 

more effectively communicate with them about the need 

for tending to their craft and helping others do the 


For me, knowing this sets some boundaries that I know I 

can only cross with the most extreme unction from the 

Spirit.  All my life I've struggled with the fact that I 

"see" a person's inner heart as easily as I see their 

outer characteristics, their physical body and their 

personality.  I was always a social outcast as a child, 

because I had no clue how to respond socially.  I never 

understood that others didn't see people as I did.  As 

an adult I've had to learn how to respond to the social 

cues that others seem to be able to handle naturally.  

In the process of working this out, I've learned that I 

can easily, almost naturally, manipulate people.  I've 

also learned that this is witchcraft, and is something I 

need to run from.

Working out my prophetical calling has been as much 

about learning where _not_ to go and what _not_ to do 

as it has about learning what _to_ do.

As I've prayed about this vision, I've asked God if this 

is just a personal word meant to encourage only me, or 

if there is something in this for the greater body of 

Christ.  What follows is my best attempt to date figuring out 

discern what, if anything, He may want to say to others 

than myself through this vision.

First, to the prophets, the other watchmen (and women) 

God is calling to sound this cry:

I believe that the measure of a prophet is not in how 

loudly or boldly he or she proclaims the truth, nor is 

it in how popular they manage to become.  Rather, our 

measure is in how effective we are at introducing 


Actually, our true measure is in our character and our 

heart, and in our obedience to God.  But change is 

something a bit more tangible which can only flow from 

our hearts as regulated by our character.  Having a Godly 

heart and a Godly character are inner fruit, while the 

"change" I am speaking of is the external fruit of a 

prophetical ministry.

So, if you as a prophet don't see a lot of positive 

fruit on the outside, take look at your fruit on the 

inside.  External positive fruit is not popularity.  

Rather it's the Father's purposes being accomplished.

In this vision, if I'd gone around ranting and raving at 

those pastors and cursing and condemning them to hell 

because of the imperfections, far fewer would have 

bothered to take note, except perhaps to encourage me 

most strongly to move on to "wherever God may be calling 

me."  I know this from very painful personal experience.

On the other hand, if I had been so fearful of loosing 

my popularity, I would never have been able to approach 

many of those pastors in boldness to speak the truth 

with love.  Again, been there, done that.

Believe it or not, prophets, many pastors _do_ actually 

hear God on occasion, and most pastors really _are_ at 

least a little sensitive in their spirits.  If you 

approach them with arrogance in your hearts, most 

pastors will discern that.  Or if you cower before them 

with fear in your hearts, most of them will also see 

that too.  In either case many of those pastors will not 

be able to receive what you have to say because the 

"static" so overpowers the "radio station".

Above all, remember that prophetical ministry is 

absolutely _not_ about glorifying the prophet, but 

absolutely _is_ about glorifying the bride.

Pastors and other leaders:

Please try to remember that prophets are people too.  I 

have found many times that pastors are afraid of those 

with prophetical anointing.  It seems like most people 

tend to either fear and despise prophets, or they tend 

to worship them.  I don't think that any pastor in their 

right mind would want to release either of those 

dynamics into their flocks.

But know that in the majority of cases these prophets 

are completely on their own.  Most pastors have a lesser 

or greater amount of schooling -- they almost certainly 

have some specific training to learn how to be a 

pastor.  Almost all churches and denominations have 

avenues for raising up and guiding young pastors, and 

for keeping at bay the wolves in sheep's clothing.  And 

every pastor I have ever known has _some_ sort of 

support mechanism in place once they are actually out 

pastoring in the real word.

In today's greater Christian community, how many of 

God's prophets have the same preparation?  How many are 

trained?  How many are recognized by their church's 

leadership and guided towards maturity?

Many whom God has called as prophets are a little (or 

even a lot) rough around the edges.  Please try to 

understand what we go through as we try to be obedient 

to God's call on our lives.  I have, at various times, 

thought I was: worthless; the next John the Baptist; 

certifiably crazy; the only sane person left; ready to 

be used by God when I wasn't; not ready when in fact I 

was; and just about everything in between.  But rarely 

have I been provided guidelines and encouragement from 

my _church_ leadership.  Most of the other people I've 

known who have prophetical anointing have had similar 


If you have someone in your flock who seems to exhibit 

this kind of anointing, please don't be afraid of them.  

Whatever they may be like on the outside, every person I 

have ever met with even an ounce of prophetical 

anointing has started out with a very sensitive heart on 

the inside.  Some prophets have developed hard hearts, 

but in my experience most of the time this is a reaction 

to being simultaneously worshiped and feared by other 


If someone is coming to you claiming to have a 

prophetical word from God, please try to look past their 

pride and insecurity, and at the same time don't be 

upset or overawed by the idea that God my choose to 

speak something through them some of the time.  Just 

take what they say and apply the discernment God has 

given you to the content.  

Above all, please, please try to work with them, setting 

boundaries and guiding them as necessary, but also 

encouraging them to become who God is calling them to be.

Many prophets would give their right leg simply to be 

accepted as people who happen to have a particular 

gifting or anointing.  (Of course, a lot of the pastors 

I've known would probably say the same thing about 


To the new believers:

Hang on!

This is going to be the ride of your life.  In fact, 

it's going to be the ride of everybody's life.  None of 

us have _ever_ done this before, at least not on this 

scale.  While many leaders are experienced at hang 

gliding (to use the metaphor from the vision), never 

before has there been an operation in God's kingdom on 

this massive a scale.

To everyone:

This interpretation -- all of it, but especially that 

which is directed to others than myself -- is composed 

primarily of my thoughts as I've tried to come to grips 

with this vision.  As such, to me the interpretation 

carries less weight than the vision  itself.  I've 

certainly sought the Lord's Heart in interpreting this, 

but in the end I must confess that any interpretation has 

been primarily my efforts at comprehension and 



Absolutely the last way I want to apply this vision is 

by rushing out on my own in an attempt to make it happen 

by "helping" God along.

At the present time God has been very clearly and 

strongly telling me to "Stop hiding my light under a 

bushel."  That's one of the reasons I'm sending this to 

the list.

This vision is not an isolated event in my life; it 

confirms many things that have happened before and 

since.  For years I've had an intense passion to see the 

Son's bride made ready for her Bridegroom.  While this 

vision has provided me a few more clues about what that 

might look like, none of the essential elements or 

underlying passions are new.

For me personally, I'm waiting, and watching in wonder 

and awe as this is starting to unfold.


Since God almost _always_ seems to miss it on this one, 

I will spare him the embarrassment of making yet another 



Except for instances when God has _clearly_ told me a 

specific time or date as part of a word or vision, I've 

learned to be cautions about trying to attach a sense of 

timing to what I learn in the Spirit, other than reporting a 

sense of urgency if that is there.

My sense for this vision is that it is first and 

foremost meant for the prophets, and I see it as a call 

to allow God to make us effective instruments. ones that 

He can use to bring about the change _He_ wants, _when_ 

He want's it.  That's the other reason I'm posting it.

I also see here things which are coming (the second wave 

of the harvest) and things which may be happening now 

(the first wave)...

-Michael D. O'Quinn.


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