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The following were enumerated in East Lothian during the 1861 Census. Please note that all names are in alphabetical order and therefore not necessarily by household. For household information contact   

Name Relationship to Head Marital Status Age Occupation Place of Birth Place of Enumeration
ANDERSON John head (blind) widower 66   East Indies Dunbar ELN
BOWHILL Agnes A niece unmarried 17 scholar Tobago West Indies Dunbar ELN
BOWHILL Grace niece   8 scholar Tobago West Indies Dunbar ELN

DUNLOP Isabella Jane 

wife married 37 wife of surgeon Madras, East Indies Dunbar ELN
KELLIE Martha head unmarried 66 proprietor of houses East Indies Dunbar ELN
KELLIE MARY sister unmarried 64 proprietor of houses East Indies Dunbar ELN