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Welcome to the National United Soldiers

48 days, forty years later (1963-2003)

Celebration of the victorious National United army, conquering the German Schmeizer Gruppe on the 15th of may, 1963.
Liberation of the occupied East of HSP (Holland Southern Part) with battles between 21st of april and the 15th of may.

Geare Hiejèrkoamn bi d'n Nasjonal Vereejent Armm

fiejèrteg-ogt dajn, fiejèrteg jeer heer (milniejagusaistegdrai - twamildrai)

Feeasthold vèn d'n winnd Nasjonal Vereejent Armm / NUS, oewuver d'n Dietsj Schmeizer Comnd sur mai fyftiejen, milniejaguhundredsaistegdrai / 1963.
Frémoak vèn vasthóld Oewust vèn HSP (Holland Southern Part), mej fijjets tsussn èprul twaanteg-iejen and mai fyftiejen.

Welkom bij de Nationaal Verenigde Militairen NUM/NUS

48-daagse oorlog, veertig jaar later (1963-2003)

Viering van de overwinning van het glorierijke Nationaal Verenigde Soldatenleger op de Duitse Schmeizer Groep op 15 mei 1963.
Bevrijding van het bezette Oostelijk gebied in Zuid-Nederland, met veldslagen tussen 21 april en 15 mei 1963.


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NOTICE: This website is dedicated to the pure fictional tale (rewritten history) of the National United Soldiers, by Samuel R.S. Rawlins.
There ar no, and we repeat, NO LIAISONS WHATSOEVER TO ANY MILITARY, GUERILLA, EXTREME RELIGIOUS OR EXTREME POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS OR GROUPS existing on this planet. Any possible comparison to existing people and/or proven facts is pure coincidental.


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