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My tribute to Vicky

My favorite things about vicky

I love vicky!well let's see... Vicky has the most beautiful Brown hair that reflects the suns rays that only seem to shine down on her.. I could gaze into her eyes for an eternity, and when i do it seems all my probelms vanish, but only until she turns away. the beauty of her soul could only equal the outer beauty that brightens up every day and room. every move she makes seems to be perfect, as she could be tough as a rock but still be sweet as a pie. Her love seems impossible to open, but breaking the gates to the heart of any heavenly angel is one tough lock. The day i could be with vicky... well like they say.. hell would have frozen over and the devil would be playing ice hockey on my frozen shocked body. No gift could possibly pamper the girl of my dreams.. VICKY!.. see vicky is more than just a girl she like a greek god but more like the girl form of Zues.. hehe..Vicky envelops my life.. i never can get enough of her.. her beauty just surpasses any precious jewel.. the day i talked her i was taken away and could never get her out of my mind.. if i could speak the words i wanted to say to her..But this is a different kind love, in every honesty i would be just as happy if she got with her real prince charming, the thought of her smiling give me total bliss.