
My dad: I know your never going to get to read this, but I really miss you and wish you would come back. It's hard to live without you. I know so little because you died when I was so little. You mean the world to me really. I just wish you could come back for one day just so I could tell you everything all right and that moms doing a great job of raising all of us with my grandparents help. I wish I could tell you all the great things I've done over the years. I know in my heart that you know everything I've done but I'd still like to tell you. But I guess it's like the song goes One more day One more time One more sunset maybe I'd be satisfied, But then again I know what that would do Keep me wishing still for one more day with you. I know it's meant as a love song but I see it as something else. I almost cried the first time I heard it. In my opinion it was one of the best songs Diamond Rio put out.

My mom: Thanks for everything. Thanks for always being there to help me along. Thanks for going the extra mile to make sure I'm doing my best. Thanks for listening to me when I need you to listen and thanks for even listen when I was just mumbling. You’re the best. You've raised me to be a great person. I know I will do great in the future because of you and Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks so much.

Grandma: Thank you for helping me along the way. You’re my adult hero. You’re great. In my eyes you’re perfect without any faults. I really love you forever thing you've done for me.

Grandpa: Well I'm not sure how to say it but by the little paragraph I wrote about you. I've had people ask me aren't you ashamed of that old piece of junk. I always just look at them in smile. Nope, and that's all I say. No one else sees what I see in that old blue truck. The just see an old car. I see more. In that blue paint I see the blue cloudless sky that hovers above me on those summer days of fishing at Lake Fredrick. In those side mirrors I see my past and remember to always look back, because there is always something to learn from the past. I'm proud of that old boat rake that cares that old canoe. I'm proud of that old truck bed that I've played in some many times. I'm especially proud of those little white signs on each door. The ones that say Roach's Shop in big bold letter. I'm proud to ride in the passenger’s side. Out of all of this I'm most proud of the person who drives that truck. The man who always sits behind that wheel. He's one of the kindest people I know. He takes me every summer to see my great grandma in West Virginia. He takes me fishing at Lake Fredrick. This man is my grandfather. My grandfather is everything to me. He's always been there to teach me how to use a saw, how to use a sander, how to build things, and how to mow with a riding lawn mower to name just a few things. He may not be perfect, but in my eyes he's as perfect as they come. So if you ever wonder am I ashamed of that big blue truck, my answer will be no. And if you ever ask me if I'm ashamed of my grandfather, my answer will still be no.

Charlie: Thanks for being suck a great brother. At times you are a pain but aren't we all. I hope you never change you keep everyone on their toes all the time. I hope life treats you well in all you do. BASAF

Chester: Thanks for being yourself and not changing for anyone. You are a role model for us all, because you never change. I hope your life takes you where you want to go. BASAF.

Karen: Thanks for being such a good Chester's girlfriends. LOL. And Remember sliced breads good slightly toasted with cream cheese. SAF

Carina(sp?): I don't know you hardly at all, but I've seen your picture in my brothers room and you seem to make him smile. So keep up the good work.

Melissa R.: Hey thanks for being suck a cool cousin. You keep me on my toes. Thanks for the ride to subway it was lots of fun. I really enjoyed hanging out with you again. Please never change. CAF

Jesse: Thanks for being the little genius you are. LOL. Also thanks for keeping everyone smiling. Please never change or take what you have for grant it. And always remember never under estimate stupid people in large groups. And stop being stupid I'm better at it. CAF

Renee: remember running around the play ground like little unicorns with wings. I don't remember why but I don remember running around. I even still have some of the pictures we drew. That first year of friendship was great, but at the end I had to leave. You said you would wait for me and you did. Now I'm back and were best friends. Everything’s cool. Anything that happens we deal with it together. We may have lost friends over the years, but at least we haven't lost each other. I've heard many say Lose a friend gain so much more. Well I believe the saying lose your best friend lose all your friends. I still have my best friend so I haven't lost anything yet. Please never change and remember no matter what anyone says you and me will make it in the future. We will both get what we want. That's all that matters. Remember were judges by the company we keep and how well we keep it. Stay true to your self and never turn back. You the past to guide you in the present and the present to guide you in the future. Sisters forever. SAF.

Alehandro(sp?) Thanks for everything. You helped me realize who I am and what I want in life. You’re a great preacher and even thought I'm not very good with Spanish. I could still understand your lessons. Thank you for being who you are and being my friend.

Gloria(sp?): Thanks for being so kind to me. You showed me things I've never known. You showed me a loving smile when everyone else frowned upon me. I always know I can go to you when I need someone to talk too and Renee's not available. Your always so willing to make someone smile or cheer them up. Your good at listening and that I'm thankful for.

Ceasar(sp?): Thanks for being a friend. You’re really cool and interesting. I enjoy talking to you and just hanging out. I hope you never change because your perfectly fine the way you are.

Jonathan(sp?): Thanks for always being you and never changing. Your a really cool person. I enjoyed having you at my school for awhile and I hope you enjoyed it. Have fun being free. I'll get there someday. Please never change I like you just the way you are.

Erica(sp?): Thanks for being so sweet. Your a really nice person and I hope you always stay that way. Thanks for treating me like I'm a human and making me feel welcome. Please never change you cool the way you are.

Armando and Nikki(sp?): Thanks for everything. I really appreciated it. I really liked the fact that you allowed me to teach Abby. I really don't know how to put in words the gradatued I have for that.

Abby: You probably can’t even read this yet, but thanks for everything you’ve done. Your such a loveable person and so sweet. You did so much that you don’t even know you did, but I’m grateful anyway. Thanks SAF.

Israel and Maria(sp?): Hey thanks for trusting me the way you do. You guys are really cool and always there to put a smile on someone face. Thanks.

Javy: Thanks for being suck a great little kid. You rule. I love hanging out with you and making you smile as you make me smile. Thanks for everything I really appreciate it. Please never change. I like you just they way you are. Remember kindergarten is a cool place once you give it a chance. You’ll be old enough to go there soon. Sound fun. BASAF.

Daniel: Thanks for being such a good friend and never trying to change me and Renee. Thanks for everything and please never change. Stay a kid forever lifes better as a kid, I think.

Kyle: Hey man. Thanks for everything. You may be a year or two younger then me, but you’re really cool. You made gym great, well except for that one time, but we won't go there. Remember no matter what everyone else says your cool and worth every bite as much as everyone else. Also don't you just love the smell of pears? LOL. BASAF

Kelly: Thanks for being true blue. You’re the coolest. We share so many interests. Like band and the Science Fair. Please never change. Stick with me I need you as much as I need those holes in my head filled. You, Kyle, and Renee keep it real. Being silly's fun LOL. SAF

Chelsea: Thanks for always being there in band. Your the best and never forget Richmond. FAF

Lisa: Thanks for everything. Maybe we can hang out sometime. I mean not at my house, maybe at lake. LOL. Wait Grandma said maybe. LOL FAF

Justin: Hey, thanks for talking to me and showing me the other side of stories. Also thanks for just being yourself and excepting me for who I am not what everyone wants me to be. FAF

Christy: Thanks for always being the goofy one. You kept things real.

Jenny T.: Our great Bass Clarinet player. Thanks for always being there to reason with us when we went ballistic on each other.

Jenn: I know we don't know each other like face to face, but your a big help when problems arise and I can't call Renee. Your always my other shoulder to lean on. Oh yeah Wishy has your keys. LMAO
