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In our lives, we are given many choices.

We can choose the clothes we wear or the food we eat,

or the music we listen to or the programs we watch on TV.

But there are more important choices in our lives that we make.

We may also choose the path our lives take.

God has given us freedom of choice over our lives.

When we come to a crossroad and we don't know which way to go,

We can ask God for guidance and He will give it to us.

Sometimes we don't always listen to what He is telling us and

We make the wrong choice. We get out of His will.

If we do that, all is not lost. Eventually, God will give us the

direction we need to get back on the right path. How we choose

to use that direction is up to us. We must listen and pay attention

if we want to return to the path that leads us to our ultimate goal.

Whatever choices we make, we must be prepared to either live with

them or ask God for His guidance. One thing you can be sure of is

He will never steer us in the wrong direction.


song by: Neil Diamond

I hope you like this Berti,

Best wishes, Suthrnknight

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