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Can you hear me?

Am I getting through tonight?

Can you see him?

Can you make him feel all right?

If you can hear me

Let me take his place somehow

See he's not just anyone

He's my son.

4 October 1988 - 25 May 2002

Derek is with God in his eternal home now.

We love and miss you very much, Derek

Even though your spirit has left our earth,

There will always be a part of you in the heart

Of everyone you have touched in your young life.

See you on the other side, my friend.

This page is dedicated to Derek and his family.

I don't personally know Derek but I pray for him.

I pray God will give him the strength to face his

coming battles and the wisdom to know, no matter

what the outcome, he is a winner.

God Bless you and your family Derek.

I will continue praying for you.

Your friend, Suthrnknight.

Song by Mark Shultz

One morning when I was on my way to work, this song came on the radio.

I had heard it a hundred times before but I never bothered to really listen

to it. For some reason, that morning, something told me to listen to the song.

I began listening to it and the story really touched my heart. After the song was

over, I wondered why I had felt the need to listen to it this particular morning.

Later that evening I was chatting with a friend and she told me she had just found

out that day one of her nephews, Derek, had been diagnosed with inoperable brain

tumors. She was very upset about it and as I talked with her this song came to

mind. Then I realized Who had told me to listen to it and why He wanted me to.

I didn't know Derek but I wanted to do something for him. Hearing that song

showed me what I could do. I asked another dear friend for help with the picture

and put the room together for Derek and his family. Derek is only 12 years old and is

currently undergoing treatment at St. Judes hospital. Every prayer we give him will help

ease his pain and if it's in God's will, he will be cured. Thanks to everyone who sees this

page and God bless you for your prayers.


Links Page

Suthrnknights Links
Mary's Page for Derek
Vicki's Special Thank You
