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Sacred Path Cards

Sacred Path Cards

by Jami Sams
illustrated by Linda Childers
Harper San Francisco
ISBN #0-05-250762-1

The Sacred Path book/card set came into my life through my use of the Medicine Cards - Native American teachings about the Medicine of Animals that was also brought to us by Jami Sams. The two teaching/healing systems act together to form a powerful system for incorporating the wisdom of the Native American path into our lives.

Jami Sams shares with us the sacredness of walking a balanced life through interconnectedness with All Of Our Relations, revealing the nature of what we need to know without compromising the sacred nature of the teachings.

Medicine in the Native American sense is anything that helps us stay in harmony with life and all of the forms of life that make up our existence. The Medicine Walk was seen as a way of connecting with our Allies, or Medicine Helpers. The Sacred Path is presented as a divination system that will help us open up to our intuition and walk the Middle Path, the path of balance. We must understand that we are never alone. We always walk in the company of Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandmother Moon, Grandfather Sun, the Stone People, the Standing People, the Creature-Beings, the Plant People and other Two Leggeds. As a people, this is a time when we need to ground ourselves with Mother Earth and reconnect with All Of Our Relations.

Unlike other divination systems, the cards are not read in a reversed, or contrary manner. They are always read upright. The cards represent our spiritual quest on this our Earth Walk. The Sacred Path Cards can be used in conjunction with the Medicine Cards to look simultaneously at our dual Earth Walk - the spiritual and the physical. Show respect for the cards, and they will show respect for you.

Several different spreads are provided here, to act as gateways to answering the spiritual questions that we have in our lives. I have chosen to present here the Four Directions spread. This is an overview of how you are balancing your shields, or different aspects of your life. The positions are defined as follows:

1. East - The spiritual door that you are now opening in your life.
2. South - Where your faith should be placed (or perhaps where you have lost faith).
3. West - How to access your intuitive self, your intuitive answer.
4. North - The wisdom that you will gain if you apply the wisdom of the other three cards drawn.

The cards that I drew were:

1. East: Shawl (Returning Home)
2. South: West Shield (Introspection/Goals)
3. West: Storyteller (Expansion)
4. North: Rites of Passage (Change)

The Medicine of the Shawl is that of remembering your gifts, remembering who you are at the core of yourself. As a spiritual door, the Shawl is saying to walk your talk, to return to the simple truths that give you joy. It also asks that you show love to others who may have stumbled and fallen from their paths.

The Medicine of the West Shield is that of seeing how your present goals will affect your future. Seek the personal, inner answers to your questions. Release the fear of the unknown from your life. This is a renewal of faith in yourself.

The Storyteller speaks of expansion in some area of your life. Honor the area of your life that the expansion is occurring in, and be willing to share that energy with others. In seeking your intuitive answers, you are coming home to a greater understanding of yourself.

Rites of Passage speaks of change. Note where this change is occurring in your life, because this is where your future lies.

The answers that the Sacred Path cards provide can be profound. As a divination tool, they can be used to access both our inner selves and the voices of the Ancient Ones - the Grandmothers and Grandfathers. They are an excellent way of staying grounded, of keeping in touch with ones self. I highly recommend this deck for everyone.

(c) February 2002
Bonnie Cehovet

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Graphics by Sam Silverhawk