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Gallery of Awards, Charity Auctions & More!

Entering competitions, creating that special doll for a charity auction or being featured in a book are all things that are fun and very gratifying personally. This page will highlight some of these events in my short "career" and I hope to add others as we go along. It's rather hit-and-miss with such interruptions as a broken wrist and car accident.

Simply click on the thumbnail to enter the expanded page with more photos and details.

[NOTE: Photos and links are being added. Please check back. Thanks!]

1998 Doll Club Fashion

1999 KCPT TV Auction

1999 Doll Club Raffle

2001 BMAA Competition

2001 "Chic" Models

2002 Faraone Book

2002 KCPT TV Auction

2002 Family Reunion Auction

2003 FDM Comp.