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Ok, I have been talking on the net for almost 4 years now and have met many Christian friends on the net. I have loved getting to know all of you In Christ. All of my Brothers and Sisters In Christ. **Called-To-Be- Where ever you are right now, pray you are doing good** **Snoopy10- Hey there Bro!! Love talking with you when I can find you, Don't forget Woodstock** **ShineStar- I met you once and talked with you for the longest time. Finally found you again!! :-) Pray you are doing Awsome in Him. Later!** **MKB20- Hey I know you better in person. Special Guy. Sweet person.((HUG))** **Rosepetals- When can I chat with you on the net? :-) ** **Chrissy- Hey girl, what have you been up too? Lets chat again sometime** **Cree-Hey there! In Christ!!** **Zoe-It's Zoe!! One of my oldest net buds too. \0/** **Maleah- Where have you been?** **Kiriath- See you in CCH again sometime** **It's IZZY!!- Great Person to talk with. Hope to see you in chat** **LB& Caleb- Where are you guys??!!** **Hey there it's ScoobyDoo!** **JAN-JayHawk- How is everything!! In His Name!! ** **Kendog a.k.a Romeo- Romeo, Romeo, where for art though Romeo :-) ** **Moondo- Your schooling going good? I will e-mail you sometime.** **Epic Shadow- My fellow Treky, Star Wars fan. Hey Girl!** **IHMS- I finally found you!! Hey there Girl-friend!! God Love!!** **Freak16-Gotta find where you went off to too. :-) ** **Robin- Love the chat times. You are one of the first I met on the CCH chat** **Jesus Freak459- How is your music going? ** **Jesus Freak!- How is everything going with you and the family.** **Hollyrollor21- Nice chatting with you. Pray you are doing good In Him** ** NDvisible- I am keeping up the drawing and Praisng Him always!Pray you are too** **jerry- It was great having that discussion. Thanks for the advice** **Yidden- Hello Blessed Yidden. Say Hi to preacher777** **Preacher777- Hi and God Bless Preacher!†** **Top-Hat- Keeping you in my prayers always. Hanging in there myself.** **Star!- Red Heads RULE!!** **Hagdozeo- However you Spell it. Fellow Idahoin' Praise Him!** Ok, Well this might be the end of my list, but I am sure I missed someone. So just e-mail me if you know me and I was forgetful and didn't put your name here. Always In Christ Maid Mary† have a Blessed Day ALL†

