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I am pleased to have visitors come by. My name is Londi Sedillo. This web page was actually my wife's idea. She likes to save poems I write for her. One day she decided to publish my poems on the internet for others to view and enjoy. I suppose you could say this is "Our" web page. My wife and I make a pretty good team. I write the poems, she makes them pretty.

On the following pages you will view poems I have written myself. They come from the heart which is where my wife came up with the title to this web page. You will find love poems, poems of family, poems of good times, poems of bad times, poems of close friends and associates, Poems of life in general. I write what I feel when I feel it.

So nice people, Kick back, relax and enjoy. Had a hard day at work and your feet hurt? Then by all means kick off those shoes and get comfortable. Get yourself a cup of coffee, or why not a glass of wine if that is your preference, you deserve it! The important thing is to get comfortable.

Hope you enjoy your visit well enough to come back for another visit and invite a friend or two. We are small now, but we will be adding more poems, as my wife puts it..."As time permits."

Before you leave, I hope you will take the time to sign my guest book, the same guest book is located at the bottom of each poem, I wish to keep a log of all the friendly people such as yourself, that has visited my web page.

If you see a particular poem you would like to share with a friend or loved one. Feel free to do so. My wife and I put them on the web for your pleasure and enjoyment. The only thing I ask is to give credit where credit is due. These are my orginal copyright poems so please do not remove my name. Out of respect, I would not steal from you. I appreciate the same respect and consideration.

A great big THANK YOU for stopping by. May the good Lord continue to bless you and yours.

Before we get into my poems let me tell you a little about myself. By knowing a little about me you will have a better understanding towards my poems.

Basically I am a people person. I have an understanding of people and their feelings.

I appreciate and respect people that are real, that can accept who and what they are. I feel people should be honest not only with themselves, but towards me as well. I expect to be treated as I treat you, with dignity and loyalty because I too have feelings.

I try to live and enjoy life to the fullest. I respect responsibility. However, if you take it all too seriously, the joy of life will pass you by.

I like music, mostly tejano, all the oldies, and some country. I like to dance, my wife says I am good.

I love my wife and family, my Mother more than anything in the world, she gave me life, and cared for me when I was young and helpless, and all my brothers and sisters. We are a large and very close family. We have an abundance of love and respect for one another.

I enjoy gambeling, not the big stuff, but I am good at poker and craps. I play chess and dominos as well.

I like to read, I would rather read then watch T.V. my preference is mystery, action, old western and just about anything I can get my hands on. I read a lot of Sidney Sheldon, and Jackie Collins.

I don't care for dishonesty. And I really don't care much for people that don't know how to mind their own businesss.

I don't like whiners or complainers. Whinning and complaining will not solve the problem. If you have a problem and need help, ask for it, don't whine.

"Plastic" people just makes my skin crawl. Just be yourself. Might as well, if you put on "airs", the truth will come out sooner or later anyway.

The thing I detest more than any thing in the world is to see innocent children neglected or abused, mentally, emotionally, physically, or sexually!!

This tear drop is a symbol of my support for abused children around the world and for those who fight for their rights.

I hope you will show your support of this worthy cause by clicking on to the tear drop


Click the banner below to get the most recent file for missing or abducted children

Let's turn the page and get to some of the poems my wife and I have entered so far. We both hope you will enjoy.

Presented To: Treasures Of The Heart
By: Agranny's 2000 Place
September 10, 2000
Thank You Sara477

Last Update For This Site: July 13, 2002

If you have any comments or would be kind enough to report any broken links on any of my pages. You may use my Guest Book
Thank you :)

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Designed and Maintained by:~sw~


Beautiful Eyes
Jealous Woman
Mijo (My Son)
True Friend
Cool Walking Lady
The Witch's Brew
My Crutch Is You
Linda Mia
Thinking Of You
My Favorite Links