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FAQ Skate Crüe

Welcome to my page!

Hi...My name is Kyle. I'm a 21 year old male. I live in Roswell, New Mexico and Lubbock, TX (during the college calendar year). I used to skate, but now I'm a damn old man, heh. I am currently attending Texas Tech University, majoring in marketing. My page will never be done, because I update once every 3 effin' years.

Some of my favorite bands are Korn, 311, Static-X, Sublime, Rage Against the Machine, Deftones, DMB, and all other types of good shit. You can find some cheap CD's of your favorite artists below

This page is dedicated to all those who once skated but are now too damn old.

Please.....find it in your heart to sign my guestbook!

Finally, these queers get what they deserve!

Stephen on the left, 'tis I on the right.

Click here for more skate pics and profiles

Click here to read about the Roswell skate scene

Aggressive Skating

Aggressive Skating

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Legal Shiznit

All opinions on this page are not necessarily the opinions of Angelfire. Therefore you cannot sue them. So don't be little sissy chicken babies about it. Everything on this page is copyrighted. So don't steal it bitches! I swear in the name of all that is holy if any of you skinny punks steals one damn pic, I will personally hunt you down like a dog and shove razor sharp grind plates in places you didn't know you had. And when you die you will burn in hell and Satan will poke you in your stupid ass with his pitchfork! Have a nice day!