The Answer is in the Star
By Karahkwa
Rating: PG-13
Codes: DH/TA
Disclaimer: Andromeda and all things relating to her belong to Tribune Entertainment, Fireworks Entertainment, and the estate of Gene Roddenberry. No copyright infringement is intended. I make no money from this work.
Summary: Rommi does some matchmaking.


Tyr Anasazi stared out his window. The Andromeda Ascendant had spent the last three days traversing a major asteroid field. Stars could finally be seen again.

Of course, Tyr wasn’t much for stargazing, usually.

Then again today was hardly usual. Dylan had nearly died at the hands of yet another pirate. What he’d been thinking when he willingly boarded that man’s ship, well, Tyr would probably never know.

Why couldn’t the man keep his butt out of trouble?

Although it was very fine ass…

Tyr shook his head to try to clear the sexual thoughts that raced through his mind. Dylan was completely oblivious to the attraction Tyr felt for him. Then again, no one knew, except Rommi.

Andromeda never missed a single detail. Tyr didn’t know if she could process the data about his behavior towards the High Guard captain and come up with the right reason, but somehow it was comforting that she might know. She would watch Dylan better if she thought it would affect him so much.

The ship was funny that way. Andromeda would take on a new captain, even Beka, if necessary. But if she thought any member of the crew would be seriously harmed by the lose of Dylan, she’d do whatever she could to see he made it back to them safe and sound.

Even if Try couldn’t protect Dylan directly, he could through her. It wasn’t what the Nietzschean desired but for now, it would do.


Rommi knocked softly on Dylan’s door. After a few moments, she manually opened the door.

"Dylan?" she called into the darkened room.

A sigh came from the couch. "Come in, Rommi. Is there a problem?"

Rommi stepped forward and raised the light level one level. "You look horrible, Dylan."

"Thanks. So what can I do for you?"

"I’d like for you to talk with Tyr."

Dylan straightened. He’d finally admitted his attraction to Tyr. And Rommi had been his confidant. "Why?"

"Because he looks nearly as bad as you do."

"Did something happen to him today?" Dylan mentally cursed himself for letting Tyr get hurt. He should have checked on him better. He should have…

"You were almost killed today, Dylan. How would you react?"

Dylan sagged. "Rommi, just because I have… feelings for Tyr, it doesn’t mean he returns them."

"And I’m telling you that I know he does. He watches you when he thinks no one is watching him. His heart rate increases when you enter the room."

"He could just be watching me to find a way to overthrow me and take you over."

"Then why did he tell Beka that you’re were going to make it off that pirate’s ship? Dylan, she nearly left you but Tyr talked her into five more minutes. Five minutes when we were in danger. How Nietzschean is that?"

Dylan sighed. "Tyr is unusual. And perhaps there are reasons that he wouldn’t like Beka in charge of you, Rommi. Maybe he has feelings for you."

"Be serious, Dylan. Talk to him. Please. If nothing else, find out why he’s been so sad lately."

"I haven’t noticed anything. What’s wrong?"

"He’s changed some of his habits. I think the reason is emotional."

Dylan was curious at least. Rommi never missed a thing. If she said Tyr had changed his behavior then he had. "What’s up?"

Rommi straightened. "He has stopped working out at night. He’s taken to stargazing. He stays in his quarters when not on duty."

Dylan cocked his head. "You’re right. I haven’t seen him off the bridge lately."

"Talk to him."


Dylan cleared his throat and then hit the chime on Try’s door. He waited several moments before the dark-skinned man appeared in the doorway.

"Can I help you, Captain?"

Dylan almost didn’t answer. Tyr had obviously been getting ready for bed. His chest and feet were bare. After a moment, he was able to think of a response. "Can I come in?"

Tyr frowned and stepped back. "Will this be long? I’m getting cold."

"Rommi could turn up the heat," Dylan suggested, unwilling to see that rock hard chest covered up.

"What do you want, Dylan?"

"What’s wrong?"

"Excuse me?"

"You’ve been acting oddly lately. Has something happened?"

Tyr straightened. "No. Nothing has happened."

"I don’t believe you, Tyr." Dylan smiled softly. "You’re not the stargazing type but Rommi tells me that’s what you’ve been doing instead of working out at night."

"I’ve had some things on my mind. Is that all right with you, Captain?"

Dylan nodded, even though he knew Tyr’s use of his title was an insult. "I want to help you, if I can."

"Why do you care? And don’t give me any crap about being a caring leader. You didn’t like it when Trance went off for a little holiday. You have a reason for offering to help. What is it?"

Dylan sighed softly. Of course, he isn’t going to jump at an offer of help. He’s Nietzschean. "I want us to be friends, Tyr. We’re very much a like and on a small ship like this someone who understands you is… an asset."

"You have Andromeda. You don’t need me. And I don’t need you. My kind does not need friends. You know this. What’s your real reason?"

Tyr stepped forward. Not one to back down, Dylan stepped forward to meet his challenge. His words however came without thinking. "Who says I don’t need you?"

The younger man faltered. He’d expected Dylan to stand his ground but he didn’t understand what the words meant. They couldn’t mean… "What are you talking about?"

Dylan looked deep into Tyr’s chocolate eyes. Here goes nothing. "This." He reached up and pulled the other man’s mouth to his.

Tyr’s heart stopped only to thunder back to life in his chest. Dylan’s soft lips caressed his mouth with a tenderness he’d never known. Passion ran though his body and he opened his mouth beneath those questing lips.

Dylan moaned and his tongue whipped forward to invade Tyr’s mouth. He was quick to caress the teeth and gums but avoided contact with the searching tongue that was determined to meet him. Only when the other’s arms finally came around Dylan did he allow his tongue to dance with Tyr’s.

After several moments, the young Nietzschean pulled back. "Dylan, are you sure?"

"Yes." Dylan reached up and brushed one of Tyr’s many braids out of his face. "I’ve been attracted to you for some time. I do need you. But if you’re not sure…"

"I need you, too," he whispered as he lowered his head for another kiss.

This time it was Dylan who pulled away. "I’m sorry. I want you but… I think I’m too tired to…"

Tyr sighed but nodded. "We have time, Dylan. You just don’t get killed in the next twenty-four hours and we’ll see where this goes."

"Deal. Will you tell me what’s been bothering you lately? Can I help?"

Tyr shook his head and kissed Dylan almost chastely. "You all ready have. I’ve been avoiding you."

"Why? I can’t get enough of you."

"Nor I you. But I thought that if I spent time with you, you’d realize I wanted you. I didn’t know how you would react."

Dylan smiled. "Then you’ll be joining the living again?"

"Yes, Dylan."

"Good. Now, why don’t you take me into the bedroom and let’s see just how tired we are."


Rommi smiled and darkened the lights. Neither man noticed as they kissed and caressed and… Well, some things are meant to be private.

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