Poetry by *Sexxie*

...unless told otherwise

"No More Routines!"
by: Nikki Moseley

I didn't know being with me was called a "routine"
That's the way you described it, now explains what it means
You call me all day, afternoon, and all night
You beep me by dawn, I go deaf, I lose sight.

Around the house you trail me, till my eyes turn all red
From lackness of sleep... as we lay in our bed
My thoughts and my feelings is not your concern
My body seems to be all of that you will learn.

Those pictures you control with that device you call home
Those games and those gadgets and those eyes full of porn
I strive for the love and attention from you
I try to applaud everything that you do

The pain "we" endured is there hurting me still
I need you to help me express what I feel
But you keep to yourself and you won't bond at all
That's why no words are spoken everytime that you call.

Just pick up the phone and say what you need
Don't keep it all in, come on please do the deed
Explain what you mean by "no more routines".

That's okay "dough", I know that your heart will be torn
Because by the end of this day, this "routine" will be gone!

"The Urge"
by: Nikki Moseley

"Sexxie" is my middle name, but I never thought "faithful" could be.
Well, that's what it is, but for how long?

How long will you treat me this way?
How long will I feel lonely?
How long will I cry today?
How long do I wait for you?

Huh? I asked you a question? How long will it be?

How long will this hunger starve?
How long will I feel this urge?

As quick as my middle name changes, remember that
is right around the corner...
from hate!
*Think about it*

"Lamont David Ulmer"
[R.I.P. 1976-1997]
by: Nikki Moseley

You made life better than what it is
Just by your smile...

You made living seem satisfying
Just by the sound of your voice...

You gazed at me
...and a flower bloomed.

I knew you were the one who bought the sun to wake us up,
   the moon to tuck us in,
   and the stars for our nightlite, to protect us from the dark.

You've done this for many,
   and helped me to see that I do the same for others.

That we all do it.

Thanks for believing in me. Believing in us.
Love you, Lamont. [R.I.P]

*...all completely written by the "sexxie" one...*

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Email: foxxie112@aol.com

*SEXXIE Productions*/Nikki Elois Moseley/"THE CREW"/134 R.V.