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Welcome to the Bible Sanctuary

I know that many of you have hundreds of questions to ask about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Bible in general. I have created this web page to help people especially deaf people to understand it. Anyone is welcome to ask any question you like in the discussion forum or myself. I would do my best to answer your questions trufully as much as possible. If anyone has an answer to a question I can't answer please don't hesitate to let us know. If you read something I or someone said is not true please don't hesitate on feedback. Now remember that not everyone has answers to all the questions you have and that no one I mean no one knows all the answers to the Bible. God will choose to reveal the answer to you when the time is right and sometimes there are answers that you will get that you may not understand or not even know that you got your answer and don't accept it. So please try to have an open mind, also please respect other people's beliefs or religions this is an open discussion for everyone not a boxing ring to fight over who is right or wrong. I have also included stories and poems for your viewing pleasure. ENJOY!

Bible Sanctuary Discussion Forum
Atheist Who Believes
