~*For You a Secret Kept*~

Author’s Note: ok u knoe the basics, i do not know the backstreet boys but i do know everyother character heehehe. please do not make recopies of this story..thanx, and i hope i didnt offend anyone while i wrote this story, this was made for entertainment wise only, so if ur here to critisize my story just dont read it! not to be rude but this story wasnt written to be critisized.(hehe) but i know that there are points in the story where it says *aj said or kathy said* a lot, but after reading other fanfic stories, they didnt have details and i kind of got lost. I just want my readers to follow along and all that goody stuff. My story is overflowed with details, so if u are the person that likes to get right to the point, this story isnt made for yah! hehe.....and i would just like to give a big thanks to Thao aka molly for helping me with the story and the plot..thanx gurlie gurl~! but i put a lot of time into this story i hope u enjoy it as much as i did writing it. if u have any questions or comments please e mail me! u can critisize but take it easy lol...o yeah! this is my 1st fanfic story heeh imma beginner =0X bye peepoz! play it safe pEaCe! MaD LoVe KaThY

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17-end