Hey! My name is Tessa and this is my *NSYNC Humor Page! Do not be fooled, I LOVE *NSYNC and would never do anything to hurt them! It's just, they make it way too easy to make fun of them! Please do NOT email me with "You Hate *NSYNC...yada yada yada." that's not true. I love *NSYNC! Hey email me at TessaAngel42484@aol.com if you want to be on the mailing list for updates, I am very busy now so they won't be a lot. But there should be some this week. If you have anything you would like me to put on this website email me and we will talk. Check out my *NSYNC sales page (link below) I am trying to earn money to get more tickets to more shows!

I am soooooooooooooo excited!! I have GREAT seats for 2 concerts!! I have 20th row for MSG July 28th and first row for Foxboro Stadium July 23rd!!! I am trying to get tickets to other NY shows and stuff!! I want to go to as many shows as I can!! I can't wait!!

Go to Kiwibox.com and sign up!! If you put that luvinNSYNC4ever is the one who refered you then you will get an extra 200 points to strat with. These points can get you concert tickets and/or backstage passes to ANY concert!! So sign up today!!

TranscontiMENTAL, ain't that what they are?

This site is awesome too! It helped inspire me to make this site! She is truely a proffessional! Her site is definatly one of the best humor sites out there, if not the best. Brittany's cool! She's lucky too! Wait'll you find out about her JC experiance! DAMN....I'm jealous! LoL! Check her site out, you HAVE to!

Hey, this is another great *NSYNC humor site! It's wicked funny!

This page was last updated on:

*April 16th, 2000*

*Hit reload or refresh now*

I added an entry to Chris's Journal

I haven't been updating at all lately. Sorry I was real busy with stuff.

SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Barely anyone has signed it yet! C'mon!! I'm BEGGING you! THANKS!!!

Hey, my sister has a webpage too. I helped her start it, like set it up and everything. She told me she'd advertise my page if I advertise hers. So I am. Her page is a pun page. Basically she changes the words to songs so that they make fun of the artist. As far as I know she has puns for Britney Spears, Hanson, *NSYNC, and The Spice Girls. I'm sure there are more to come. They are pretty good! The link is at the bottom of the page! Check it out, ok?

So anyways, this is a new site so its not the best ever. I'm still just starting out. I'll try to update it as much as I can! Well, I hope you enjoy my site and email me if you have any comments/suggestions or anything you want me to put on the page.

Email me at TessaAngel@Yahoo.com

You can take my pics. Go ahead I got them from people who were nice enough to let me have them! Just don't abuse them too much! LoL!

JC wants YOU! To join his union

Why can't BSB and *NSYNC fans get along? WHY?!?! Please stop the feuding!!!

Hey I love BSB too! They are awesome. I went to their concert on 9/21/99. Read the review. *I don't really like BSB that much anymore. They are OK, I guess. *NSYNC concerts are a lot better. :o)

Look! I'm one of Joey's Hos!

Hey look what I did! I went out and got married! I couldn't chose a *NSYNC babe so hey I picked all five! Why not?!?!

Click here to marry YOUR nsyncer! I, Tessa, was married on August 9th, 1999

I got married to:

*N Sync

...who cares if it's illegal in all 51 states... not I!

Want to get married to YOUR favorite *N Syncer? Go to the altar!

Poor JC. He's STARVING!! Look at him! Please help him!

Hey, I'm a proud member of NSA! Join it now! It's crunk!

Sigh my Guestbook or else! I mean it! You'll be doomed for life! SIGN IT!!!! SIGN IT!!!! SIGN IT!!!!!! Thanks!

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

The humor!

Up Close And Personal
A Day With *NSYNC
The Guys' Journels
Cheating Justin
Scream 3 Starring *NSYNC
My Thoughts On Brit-Brit
All About Me
The Concert Pictures
If *NSYNC Were Girls
If The Backstreet Boys Were Girls
My Doctored Pictures
Beach Guys
The BSB concert Review
MY *NSYNC sales/trades
My Sis's Page

Email: tessaangel@yahoo.com