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The Top 5 reasons why any single religion is neither holy nor true, all by itself, alone in the world.

  5.     All religious organizations, including all Christian churches, are nothing more than segregated, exclusive, "holier than thou" private groups of fearful, greedy, and dishonest cons, who are either the con-artists in charge or the converts in the pews.   Cons find comfort and power in harassing and lording over ignorant naive "believers" and "initiates" in order to ease their own biased, guilt-ridden consciences.   They want to convert as many innocent, unsuspecting secular souls through deceit as possible in order to initiate them into their religious congregations so they can start "collecting" money from them.

  4.     Most preachers use the Bible as a club to beat their initiated faithful believers over the head with some illogical nonsense to make them feel as bad as lowly pond dwellers.   Then they are condemned to eternal punishment for being such evil creatures in order for the church to take total control over their lives and possessions by being informed, "You are all evil sinners who are at war with God and you are doomed to hell unless you repent to Jesus, your redeemer.   So pay Me and listen to Me, or else!"   However, those same preachers also say that Jesus is the holy Intercessor for the saints, yet only a few hundred souls are actually recognized as saints by the Catholic Church. (Which one is it, sinners or saints?   Where, exactly, does the dividing line between the two, appear?   Are they saintly sinners or sinning saints, or what???)     Everybody sing, "Oh when the Semites, go marking sin, Oh when the Semites go man huntin'.   Oh Lord, I want to see them rent asunder, When the Semites go murder kin."

  3.     It is written in the Bible that Jesus is the only begotten son of the God of Noah; John 3:16.   Does that mean that the rest of us children of God are merely God's domestic pets, instead?   The answer obviously is, "No."   We are All part of the same Family of God.   We are the Princes of the Universe who turned ourselves into frogs through our own vanity.

  2.     All holy books like the Bible are filled with many fictional stories that contain fictional characters such as Noah, who is just a later version of the character Utnapishtim, from the fictional Epic of Gilgamesh.   (That's what we get for believing that everything we read is true.)

  1.     There is only one God!   God is: All That Is, which is all sights, all sounds, and all senses that every single person experiences ( All There Is - every thought and every atom ). God is the only Sound, the only Sight, and most important, the only true Heartbeat flowing through the multitudes of different hearts beating at once, each in their own individual rhythms.   God is our heartfelt Love, which we sense by our emotions.   Love is channeled to gazillions of physical bodies that are customized units all moving at different frequencies but who are able to resonate together in perfect harmony if we so choose.   The only thing that we must do to resonate with the whole Universe is to atone (align) ourselves with God and with each other and we will come together in perfect alignment as one Resonance, one People, and one Love.

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Posted on Apr, 2002