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Taiki's  Costume Paradise

*Links*   *Cosplay paradise*   *My Cosplay*   *Costume Reviews*

Konnichiwa Mina welcome to my shrine sorry for not updating in so
long alot of things have happened I desided to turn this page is to a Cosplay group
Dictionary so if you want costumes, Costume Reviews, accereies,or even wanna know about the groups or cons you can find it all here along with my personal
experiance. So sit back relax and take a look around.

Taiki Kou

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*disclaimer* 2001 Sailor Moon Top 20™.
All Rights Reserved Some of the characters in the story came from Naoko Takeuchi story of Sailor Moon I did make them up. Blah Blah Need I go On? Some pictures/backgrounds came off of other sight's if it was your sight please inform me so I may add your link and give you credit if I haven't already