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Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP)

Alberta UFO Research Association (AUFORA)
Alberta UFO Study Group
American UFO News (AUFON)
Bristish UFO Research Association (BUFORA)
Cambridge UFO Group (CUFOG)
Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)
Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI)
Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)
East Midlands UFO Research Association (EMUFORA)
Finnish UFO Research Organization
Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR)
International Committee for UFO Research (ICUR)
International Society for UFO Research (ISUR)
Internet UFO Group (IUFOG)
Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU) - UFO On-line
Malta UFO Research (MUFOR)
Manchester Anomalous Phenomena Investigation Team (MAPIT)
Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
MUFON - Arizona
MUFON - British Columbia
MUFON - (California) Inland Empire
MUFON - California (Sacramento)
MUFON - California (Ventura/Santa Barbara Counties)
MUFON - Canada
MUFON - Colorado
MUFON - Connecticut
MUFON - South Florida
MUFON - Kentucky
MUFON - Los Angeles

MUFON - Massachusetts
MUFON - Miami
MUFON - Michigan
MUFON - Minnesota
MUFON - New Hampshire
MUFON - New Hampshire - Mirror Site
MUFON - New York
MUFON - North Texas
MUFON - Ontario
MUFON - Oregon
MUFON - Vermont
MUFON - Virginia
MUFON - Washington
National UFO Reporting Center
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP)
Northamptonshire UFO Research Center

Operation Right To Know (ORTK)
San Diego UFO Society
Stargate International
Surrey Investigation Group on Aerial Phenomena (SIGAP)
Ufology Society International (USI)
UFO Sweden
UFO*BC (British Columbia)
Victorian UFO Research Society (VUFORS)



Abductee Net
Astrology and Travis Walton
Australian UFO Abductions

Area 51 (Groom Lake, Dreamland, The Ranch)

Area 51
Area 52
Area 51 BBS
Area 51 Research Center (

Area 51 Research Center (
Area 51 Survey
Area 51 Vault

Astronomy & Space Exploration

European Space Agency (ESA)
Explorattion of Neighboring Planetary Systems (ExNPS)
Known Planetary Systems
Other Solar Systems
Planetary Society

Books, Videos, T-Shirts, etc

The Alien Store
Crop Circles - The Gift - Decipherment of Crop Circles (book)
Crop Circles - Hoax or Happening (book)
UFO Books listed by Author - Charles McGrew
UFO Books listed by Author or Title - The Ultimate Ufologists
UFO Books for Sale - "Aliens Among Us"
UFO Books for Sale - Gordon Speer


Billy Meier Webpage

Crop Circles

Barge Inn
Crop Circle Connector
Dreamland Interactive UFO Crop Circles

General UFO Information

A New World
The Advanced Research Projects
The Alien and UFO Pictures
The Alien Astronomer
The Alien City

Government UFO Documents

CIA Role in the study of UFOs, 1947-1990
CIA: FOIA UFO Documents
FBI: FOIA UFO Documents
NSA: FOIA UFO Documents
1968 Condon Committee Report - Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects

Investigator Home Pages

Bruce Cornet
The Randle Report
Stan Gordon's UFO Anomalies Zone

Journals, Magazines & Newsletters

The Anomalist
FSR Flying Saucer Review
Fortean Times
Groom Lake Desert Rat
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Saucer Smear
Strange Magazine
UFO Magazine (Ecker)
UFO Magazine (Quest Int.)
UFO Research (NSW) - Magazine


CNN's "Mars Life Signs?"
Life on Mars
Planetary Society Hot Topics: Life on Mars

The Enterprise Mission
The "Face on Mars"

Pictures and Video Clips

Aufora: Pictures - UFOs - Misc
Mars Probe (Animated QuickTime File)

Radio & Television

The Art Bell Web Page



Hangar 18 - The Roswell Group
International Roswell Initiative
International UFO Museum and Research Center
Internet UFO Group
The Roswell Alien UFO Crash Resource
Roswell 50th Aniversary Christmas Ornament


Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
National Capital Area Skeptics

Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)

Contact Project
OSU Radio Observatory
Planetary Society Hot Topics: SETI
Project Phoenix
SETI at the University of California
SETI Bulletin Board
SETI Institute
SETI League

UFO Detectors

UFO Detection


British National Space Centre (BNSC)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Toulouse (CERT)
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
Edwards Air Force Base
European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN)
Farsight Institute
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

German Aerospace Research Establishment (DLR)
Instituto Nacional de Técnica
Italian Space Agency (ASI)
Los Alamos
Lunar Institute of Technology (LIT)
Malin Space Science Systems(MSSS)
National Aerospace (NLR)
National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA)
Norwegian Space Centre
Sandia Labs
Space Research Organization (SRON)
United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
US Govt. Web Sites - Link Page