POWER WEISS RANGERS ------------------- By Ara Catwing ------------------- Disclaimer: Sorry "Bandai" ~.^ ------------------- PART I Somewhere, far in the depths of California, a giant floating head addressed its crazy robot assistant. "Alpha! The world is in danger again! We need 5 teenagers, with attitude..." "How about 4 guys with problems?" "Whatever..." *** Ken lept down from his hiding place, and slashed out with both sets of bugnuks. The sharp claws ripped down the target's back and the man fell into a forming puddle of blood. Ken looked up and flashed a "thumbs up" at Omi, who promptly contacted Aya that the mission had been a success. Suddenly, there was a flash of light and the 4 assasins dissapeared into multi-colored streaks of light. *** When they reappeared in the "Command Center" there was much confusion. The robot was in a panic trying to keep the blood running off Ken's bugnuks from getting on the floor. Omi's laptop hadn't come through the teleporter, and he was frantically searching for it. "Welcome to the command center," began the floating head, oblivious to the chaos. "You have been choosen to.... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!" The 4 WeiB boys froze, just noticing that a giant head was addressing them. The head sighed, "Look, just go save the world, and try to avoid coming back here." The robot gleefully booted up the teleporter. *** Aya, Omi, Yohji and Ken found themselves in the wasteland known as "L.A.", apparently the teleporter was affected by rolling blackouts as well. "I wanna save the world!" Ken enthusiastically (I can't spell) said, sparkles in his eyes "Can we, Aya-kun?" Omi and Ken both stared expectently at the red-head. "No." "But..." "I mean, this guy isn't even going to pay us. And he screwed up our mission." But before he could point out any other reasons, a scanitly-clad woman surrounded by chittering lackies appeared. Yohji's jaw promptly hit the ground. Omi went chibi. Aya glared. Ken whipped out a big, ugly belt-buckle-type thing. "It's morphin' time!" The other 3 sweatdropped, but grudginly did the same. "Siberian!" "Ano... Bombay?" "So, are you free Satur...OH! Balinese!" "..." As the 4 WeiB boys reappeared, now in spandex, the pink ranger made a dramatic entrance, and promptly kicked all teh chittering lackies' asses. Omi pulled off his blue helmet, "Who's that?" Ken, teh new red ranger, whimpered, "Put your helmet on! Our secret identities..." Yohji pulled his helmet off as well, "This thing is messing up my hair! But the black is nice, chicks dig black spandex." Somewhere in space, Heero Yuy sneezed. All three turned to where Aya was standing, and bearly held back gales of laughter. "Yello?" "Isn't that usually a girl?" Aya shot them the glare-of-death, "..." But before he could successfully strangle Yohji, the pink mystery ranger bounded over and removed their helmet. "Farfarello?!?!?!?!" Farfarello giggled, "Of course!" Everyone, now chibi-fied, stared. "Pink spandex *really* hurts god!" ~-OWARI-~ Stay tuned for part 2 (someday)