YOU'VE BEEN READING TOO MUCH HARRY POTTER WHEN... By Ara Catwing -------------------- ((Each chapter consists of 20 signs)) You can tell you've been reading too much "Harry Potter" When... start refering to Chemistry as "Potions" (guilty)'re extremly suspicious of rats attempt to carve a lightning bolt into your forehead becomes your greatest dream to get into a boarding school robes make up your whole wardrobe can't figure out what's wrong with your photos... none of them move!'ve memorized all the spells, and use them daily (guilty) talk to every large, black dog you meet ...everytime you come across a twig on the ground you scream about someone losing their wand petition your school to start a dueling club ...upon being asked what your plans are after High School you respond "I'd like to be a professional Quidditch player!" list your race as "Muggle-born" on the census forms can quote "Quidditch through the Ages" by memory (guilty) start producing "Chudly Cannons" merchandise have *no* idea what the big deal with SAT scares are, you're worried about your O.W.L.s ...your dogs are named Fluffy (guilty), Fang and Sirius also have a rat named Scabbers ...did I mention a toad named Trevor? refuse normal pets and save up all your money for an owl can't figure out why the grocery store dosn't carry gillyweed