ALL I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED FROM ANIME By Ara Catwing -------------------- Idol singers can do anything! Wire *isn't* a dorky weapon Piloting giant robots: Easy! Cooking edible food: Hard. Wearing pink in *no* *way* makes you less manly... ...nor do earrings. Holding a sword to someone's head is much cooler then a gun If they can out eat you, they can kick your ass. Never trust the red-head. The amnesiac is *always* connected to the enemy. Beware of Cherry Trees. All the bad stuff happens to Tokyo All stuck-up girls have annoying laughs There's absolutly nothing wrong with a guy going by his sister's name Clinging to your past is the key to success Ain't nobody that'll stand up to a dragon Any hair color goes! Everyone has a good singing voice The underdog always comes out on top... ...but only getting his ass kicked Playboys have long hair Eye color depends on mood Dorky cloaks complete any outfit Wear boots. Cool background music is a must Battle crys make all teh difference All the cool guys wear trenchcoats The killer tends to be the cheerful one Living without emotions is easy... ...and tends to be a good career move Dogs are smarter then the military Never trust a new computer system... ...especially if it has "zero" in the name The best swords come out of people Pickpockets make good friends Look brooding. The chicks like that. Ancient talismans are more trouble then they're worth... ...but fight for them anyways Elves are annoying Facial scars are a fashion statement Assasins are artistic It's easy to pull weapons out of nowhere Never trust your in-laws If you can play an insturment, you can pilot a mech! Hell, if you can walk and chew gum at the same time, you can pilot a mech! Just because they're a bloodthirsty demon dosn't make them the bad guy If you're fighting somebody with a kanji on their forhead, you're gonna lose. There's no stronger force then a school girl in a sailor-type school uniform... ...except idol singers