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Other Pokédex Material

Alright, in here will be all the little things that make a Pokédex complete: a map, a battle chart, etc. etc....

BUT!!! I have now, for a limited time only, one of the most useful gameshark codes! If you don't have a gameshark, here's how you can use these hand, dandy codes! All you gatta do is download an Emulator and a ROM! Then you can play Pokémon on your computer! I'll put one to download on here someday, until then it's up to a handy search engine to help you get one!

No Random battles:

(I recomend for Diglett's cave, Rock Tunnel, Mt.Moon, and all those other places where you can't take 2 steps without being attacked by a wild pokémon!)


Alright, so, until all the graphics are done, you get just a list of attacks. Enjoy.

Pokémon Attacks
Keep in mind the safety of your Pokemon while battling.

First I have the name of the attack, then a description. After that, there’s an example of a poké that would use the attack. Use a battle chart to see what attacks will have an effect. For instance, a fire attack isn’t usually effective against a water pokémon. But a 100 level Charizard will still annihilate a 26 level Starmie. But whatever the level, normal attacks will never affect a ghost pokémon (Haunter) and Electric attacks (Pikachu) will never affect ground pokémon. Those are ways of life, not to say you can’t use that type of poké though! Agatha didn’t stand a chance against my Rattata (I didn’t let it evolve, Raticate isn’t nearly as cute!) with her ghosts. I had accidently (I swear!) taught it Bubblebeam and Blizzard, so it kicked butt!

Also, after some of the attacks are things like “2d20” for experienced RPers, you may have reconized those as dice rolls. Yes, that’s what they are my example means you roll 2 20 sided dice. That’s for use in an aol chat room RPG. If your curious, to roll dice in a chat room you type in, like, “//Roll-dice 2-Sides6” The 2 backslashes are NOT a typo. They’re supposed to be in there!

Normal Attacks
Barrage: Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row.
Bide: pokemon loses two to three turns, then attacks the enemy with twice the total damage they received.
Bind (2d12): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row, during which time the enemy cannot counter attack.
Bite (enemy loses 2 turns): Normal attack with a 10% chance of scaring the enemy, making him unable to attack.
Body Slam (2d15): normal attack with a 30% chance of paralyzing your enemy
Confusion (opponent loses 2 turns): normal attack with a 10% chance of confusing the enemy
Comet Punch (2d12): pokemon attacks two to five times in a row
Constrict (lowers attacks by 3): normal attack with a 10% chance of lowering the enemy's speed
Conversion: Pokemon element becomes the same as the enemy's
Cut (1d10): Normal attack
Defense Curl: raises your pokemon's defense
Disable (2d20): seals up one of your enemy's special skills
Dizzy Punch(2d10): Normal attack
Double-Edge: Player takes damage equal to one-quarter of what the opponent receives
Double Slap(2d18): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row
Double Team: Increases your pokemon's chance of evading attacks
Egg Bomb(1d10): Normal attack
Flash(lowers attacks by 5): Lowers the enemy's accuracy
Focus Energy(2d25 5 HP lost): If successful it causes a critical hit
Fury Attack(2d18): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row
Fury Swipes(2d20): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row
Glare(1d10 loses 3 turns): Paralyzes enemy if successful
Growl(1d10 opponent attacks decrease by 2): Decreases enemy attack strength
Growth(loses a turn, increases by 3): Increases your pokemon's special abilities.
Guillotine (1d10): If successful, the enemy is automatically defeated.
Harden: increases your pokemon's defense
Headbutt (enemy loses 2 turns): Normal attack with a 30% chance of scaring the enemy, making him or her unable to attack
Horn Attack (2d10): Normal attack
Horn Drill (1d10): If successful, the enemy is automatically defeated
Hyper Beam (2d20 5 HP lost): Pokemon inflicts a great amount of damage but loses the next turn
Hyper Fang (loses 2 turns): Normal attack with a 10% chance of scaring the enemy, making him unable to attack
Karate Chop (2d15 5 HP lost): Causes a critical hit
Leer(1d10): Lower the enemy's defenses
Lovely Kiss(2d20 loses 5 turns): Puts enemy to sleep
Mega Kick(2d10): Normal attack
Mega Punch(2d10): Normal attack
Metronome(2d30): Produces various attacks randomly
Mimic: Pokemon can use the opponent's attacks
Minimize: Shrinks Pokemon, increasing its ability to evade attacks
Pay Day: After the fight ends, the player receives Pokemon currency
Pound(2d10): Normal attack
Quick Attack(2 HP lost): The player's pokemon attacks first without fail
Rage: As the pokemon takes damage, its attack points increase[by 2 for each successful attack]. They continue to increase until the battle ends.
Razor Wind (attack increase by 5): Pokemon stores power during the first turn then attacks during the second
Recover: Pokemon recovers half of its max HP
Roar (1d10): Automatically ends the battle. Only works on wild pokemon
Sand Attack (2d10, enemy attacks decrease by 3): Lowers enemy's accuracy
Scratch (2d10): Normal attack
Screech (2d18): Greatly lowers the enemy's defenses
Self Destruct (2d20, opponent loses half HP): Highly damaging attack that makes the Pokemon who uses it faint, taking it out of the battle
Sharpen (2d15, increases by 1 or 2): Increases Pokemon's attack strength
Sing (2d15): Puts the enemy to sleep
Skull Bash (2d18): Pokemon ducks his head during Turn One and attacks Turn Two
Slam(2d12): Normal attack
Slash(2d15, opponent loses 5 HP): Causes a critical hit
Smokescreen(2d10, opponents' attacks reduced by 3): Lowers the enemy's accuracy
Soft-boiled: Recover one half of max HP
Sonic Boom(2d20, opponent loses 8 HP): Always does 20 points of damage to the enemy
Spike Cannon(2d10): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row
Splash(2d10): Pokemon jumps
Stomp(opponent loses 2 turns): Normal attack with a 30% chance of scaring the enemy, making him unable to attack
Strength(1d10): Normal attack
Struggle: If all PP is gone, this technique can be used. However, the Pokemon using struggle will receive one quarter of the damage dealt out
Substitute (1d4, 4 clones max): Pokemon clones itself. With each clone, it takes one quarter of the original Pokemon's HP and applies it to the clone. The clones then fight automatically
Super Fang (2d10): Reduces enemy's HP by half
Supersonic (2d18, enemy loses 3 turns): Confuses the enemy, if successful
Swift (opponent loses 2 HP): Attack hits 100% of the time
Swords Dance (2d10 increase of 1 or 2): Increases Pokemon's attack strength
Tackle (1d10): Normal attack
Tail Whip (1d10): Decreases enemy's defense
Take Down (2d20): Player takes damage equal to one-quarter of what the opponent receives
Thrash (2d10): On its second or third turn. The players Pokemon becomes confused
Transform: Players Pokemon turns into opponent's pokemon
Tri Attack (1d10): Normal attack
Vice Grip (1d10): Normal attack
Whirlwind (1d10): Automatically ends battle. Doesn't work against other trainers.
Wrap: Pokemon

Bug Attacks
Leech Life (2d20): Absorbs the enemy's HP
Pin Missile (2d22): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row
String Shot (2d20, opponent's attack strength decreases): Lowers enemy's speed
Twineedle (2d25): Pokemon attacks twice in a row with a chance at poisoning the enemy

Dragon Attacks
Dragon Rage (2d45): Takes exactly 40 points of damage from the enemy

Electric Attacks
Thunder (opponent loses 5 turns): Normal attack with a 10% chance of paralyzing the enemy
Thunder Wave (2d20): Paralyzes the enemy
Thunderbolt (2d18, lose 2 turns): Normal attack which paralyzes the enemy
Thunder Punch (opponent loses 1 turn): Normal attack with 10% chance of paralyzing the enemy
Thundershock (opponent loses 2 turns): Normal attack with 10% chance of paralyzing the enemy

Fighting Attacks
Counter (1d10): Pokemon inflicts double the damage received on their next turn. This only works against physical attacks!
Double Kick (2d15): Pokemon attacks twice in a row
High Jump Kick (2d20): If the player's pokemon misses, it takes one-eighth of the damage that was to be dealt to the enemy
Low Kick (opponent loses 3 turns): Normal attack with 30% chance of scaring the enemy, making him unable to attack
Rolling Kick (opponent loses 3 turns): Normal attack with a 30% chance of scaring the enemy, making him unable to attack
Seismic Toss (2d30): The amount of damage inflicted upon the enemy is equal to the level of the player's Pokemon Submission, fighting, The player takes damage equal to one quarter of what the opponent receives

Fire Attacks
Ember(2d10): Normal attack with a 10% chance of burning the enemy
Fire Blas(2d15): Normal attack with a 20% chance of burning the enemy
Fire Punch(2d22): Normal attack with a 10% chance of burning the enemy
Fire Spin(2d40): Player's Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row, during which time the enemy can't counterattack.
Flamethrower (2d30): Normal attack with a 10% chance of burning the enemy

Flying Attacks
Drill Peck (2d15): Normal attack
Fly (2d15): The pokemon flies into the air then attacks on turn two
Gust (2d10): Normal attack
Mirror Move: Pokemon performs the same attack as the enemy's pokemon
Peck (2d10): Normal attack
Sky Attack (2d25): Gathers strength for a turn and attacks during the next
Wing Attack (2d10): Normal attack

Ghost Attacks
Confuse Ray (2d20, opponent loses 3 turns): confuses the enemy
Lick (opponent loses 3 turns): Normal attack with a 30% chance of paralyzing the enemy
Night Shade (2d10): The enemy takes damage equal to the pokemon's level

Grass Attacks
Absorb (2d10): Absorbs HP from the enemy = to half of the attack damage.
Leech Seed (2d20): Every turn, the player's Pokemon absorbs the enemy's HP
Mega Drain (2d20): Player absorbs HP from the enemy equal to half of the attack damage
Petal Dance (2d20, opponent loses 2 turns): After the second or third attack, the player's Pokemon becomes confused
Razor Leaf (2d15, opponent loses 5 HP): If successful, causes a critical hit
Sleep Powder (2d15, opponent loses 5 turns): Puts enemy to sleep
Solarbeam (2d35): Stores solar power for the first turn then attacks on the second
Spore(2d20, opponent loses 5 turns): Puts enemy to sleep
Stun Spore(2d20, opponent loses 5 turns): If successful the enemy may be paralyzed
Vine Whip(2d10): Normal attack

Ground Attacks
Bone Club (2d20): Normal attack with a 10% chance of scaring the enemy, making him unable to attack
Boomerang (2d20): Pokemon attacks twice in a row
Dig: First, your pokemon digs into the ground, then on the second turn it attacks
Earthquake (2d25): Normal attack that has no effect on flying Pokemon
Fissure (1d10): When successful, the enemy is automatically defeated. Doesn't work on flying

Ice Attacks
Aurora Beam (2d20): Normal attack with a 10% chance of lowering your opponent's attack strength. May also freeze opponent.
Blizzard (2d30): Normal attack with a 30% chance of freezing your enemy
Haze (1d10): Makes the enemy unable to determine whether your are friend or foe. Removes all attack support effects.
Ice Beam (2d20): Normal attack with a 10% chance of freezing the enemy
Ice Punch (2d20): Normal attack with a 10% chance of freezing the enemy
Mist (1d10, works for 3 turns): Pokemon is defended against any enemy attacks that try to lower its abilities

Poison Attacks
Acid: Normal attack with a 10% chance of lowering your opponent's defense.
Acid Armor: Doubles your pokemon's defense strength.
Poison Gas (2d25): If successful the enemy is poisoned
Poison Sting (2d20): Normal attack with a 20% chance of poisoning the enemy
Poisonpowder (2d20): If successful the enemy is poisoned
Sludge (2d30): Normal attack with a 40% chance of poisoning the enemy

Smog (2d15): Attack that poisons the enemy, if successful
Toxic (2d20, increase by 2): Every turn, the poison's damage increases

Psychic Attacks
Agility (increases attack strength for 2 or 3 turns): Doubles your pokemon's speed.
Amnesia (1d10): Doubles your pokemon's special abilities.
Barrier: Doubles your pokemon's defense strength.
Dream Eater (2d25): While the enemy sleeps, the player absorbs its HP
Hypnosis (2d20, opponent loses 3 turns): Puts enemy to sleep
Kinesis (2d20, opponent's attack strength decrease by 5): Decreases the enemy's accuracy
Light Screen (2d20): Halves the damage you receive from special attacks
Meditate (2d20): Increases pokemon's attack strength
Psybeam (opponent loses 4 turns): Normal attack with a 10% chance of confusing the enemy
Psychic (opponent's special skills strength decrease by 5): Normal attack with a 10% of reducing the enemy's special skills
Psywave(2d10): Damage dealt to enemy is equal to one to one and a half times your pokemon's experience level
Reflect(2d10): Reduces the damage the player's Pokemon receives by half. Works only on physical attacks.
Rest: Recover 100% of HP but lose two turns afterwards
Teleport (1d10): Teleports Pokemon out of the battle, ending it. Doesn't work against trainer's Pokemon

Rock Pokemon
Rock Slide (2d20): Normal attack
Rock Throw (2d20): Normal attack

Water Attacks
Bubble (opponent's attacks strength decrease by 3): Normal attack with a 10% chance of lowering the enemy's speed
Bubblebeam (opponent's attacks strength decrease by 3): Normal attack with a 10% chance of lowering the enemy's speed.
Clamp (2d10): Pokemon attacks two to five times in a row, during which the enemy can't counterattack
Crabhammer (2d15, opponent loses 5 HP): If successful it causes a critical hit
Hydro Pump (2d40): Normal attack
Surf (2d10): Normal attack
Water Gun (2d15): Normal attack
Waterfall (2d25): Normal attack
Withdraw: Increases Pokemon's defense