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The G&S monsters...

From the best opening

Well, I captured one! It has Water Gun twice, and Sky Attack. The icon for it tends to vary. Sometimes it's a fat guy, or a screwy plant icon. THIS IS A GLITCH POKEMON AND WILL MESS UP YOUR GAME!!! Your Hall of Fame takes the most damage. MISSINGNO. Can deal out a ton of damage, but can't take much. Somewhere there was mention of him changing into a Rhydon after being stored in the PC, I released him since he screwed mine up so much, so I really didn't have a chance to test that. The thing He's useful for is to beat the crap out of for the code to multiple items. Anyways, he's a glith. To see him ((First, put and item you'd like a lot of in the 6th slot of your item list ~.^) FLY to Viridian, talk to the guy who shows you how to catch Pokeon. Watch him atch that Weedle then FLY to Cinnibar and surf up and down the right-side coastline where it looks like you're half on land, half on water. Kick the ass of everything that come your way. After you beat MISSINGNO. into a pulp, the 6th item will be duplicated!

Mew is pretty cool, she learns METRONOME which is a really useful attack. Her most popular though is of course TRANSFORM. Psychic type. If you're wondering why I keep saying "she", you can refer to Cinnabar Island; Mew gave birth to Mewtwo, so it's obviously a she. Mew probebly has the most known information, since you can get Mew in the Red/Blue/Green versions of the game.
Level 10: Transform (Normal)
Level 20: Mega Punch (Normal)
Level 30: Metronome (Normal)
Level 40: Psychic (Psychic)
Another useful thing about Mew is that it has the ability to learn every TM and HM. What I did with my Mew, was leave it with TRANSFORM along with FLY, SURF, and FLASH. Then I just had to keep Mew to travel.

::Gag:: ::cough:: ::sigh:: This page will be coming back. As soon as I *bother* coding info on those psycho G&S version pokemon. ::sigh::

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