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"We Can, We Will"
 Buffalo Soldiers Society of
New Mexico
"Company A"
9th Cavalry
Albuquerque, New Mexico

"Glory and Honor "
Buffalo Soldiers – Post Civil War Heroes
The period 1866-1900
The Buffalo Soldiers Society of New Mexico (BSSNM) was formed in 1992 to promote the knowledge and history of he Buffalo Soldiers (Ninth & Tenth Cavalry and the Twenty fourth and Twenty fifth Infantry Regiments) by giving first person living history performances for public and private schools.

Involvement with historical presentations i.e.. July 4th, Independence Day parades, Memorial Day, Juneteenth (19 June) Celebrations and as Color Guard for special events, retirements and dedications of Historical Monuments.  The members of the BSSNM have presented over 200 educational briefings and presentations to adults, teachers and students throughout the great state of New Mexico.
African American soldiers marched with and in the ranks of General Washington's armies.  African American soldiers have a proud history from the American Revolution to the Gulf War.

We have worn the uniform of the United States, as soldiers, sailors, marines & airmen.  In each role, the African American has been and will continue to be a part of the great heritage of the United States of America.
We are proud of the sacrifices Black service men and women have so courageously and proudly made for this country.  We are proud of those who suffered and faced racial, prejudice and intolerance.  We must continue the struggle until all Americans can receive their full recognition for their full contribution to America!

The Buffalo Soldiers were America's first black military soldiers during the Post Civil War. Although history books have managed to omit the tremendous contributions of the Buffalo Soldier, their history is rich and their contributions to the development of the Southwest region is one of honor. Their contributions to America should never be overlooked nor should it ever be forgotten.

The Buffalo Soldiers primary duties during the post civil war were to protect isolated settlements and to establish towns throughout the southwest territory. The Buffalo Soldiers established mail and stage routes across the west and maintained law and order throughout the southwest region. They guarded important mountain passes, water holes, isolated settlements and many other tasks.   The Buffalo Soldiers got their name from the plains Indians not only because of their wooly-like hair but also because of their unmatched courage and their superior fighting skills.

There were 6 black units established during that time. The 9th and 10th cavalry, and the 38th, 39th, 40th and 41st Infantry. During the Post Civil War there was a total of 12,500 black men enlisted in the Army. During this period 18 buffalo soldiers were awarded medals of honor. They were gallant soldiers who were devoted to a country that viewed them as less than men.

In addition to these facts, blacks in the military were not only men but women as well.

One such female soldier was Cathay Williams or as she was known to her fellow soldiers, William Cathay. William Cathay was not an exceptional soldier, but simply a "trooper" serving in New Mexico during the post civil war. As an uneducated 19th century black woman, her options were severely limited. The choice she made was an honorable join the Army.

Cathay had a front row seat to the Civil War. She traveled with the army and was at the battle of Pea Ridge in Arkansas. She moved with them around Arkansas and Louisiana watching as they burned cotton, and she saw captured rebel gunboats burn on the Red River at Shrieveport. From there she went to New Orleans, Savannah, Macon, and other places around the South. What marks Cathay as a true pioneer is that she was a typical soldier, no better nor worse than her peers. She met the standard of performance as an equal, with no political motivation or social change menu. She asked for no special treatment; she simply sought a better life and equal opportunity. Ms Cathay Williams was one of the first women to serve in the US military and although never receiving her just due, pioneered the way for other women to follow!


Reference Documents

Conn, Stetson, editor; "Army Lineage Series", U.S. Government Printing Office - Washington, DC 1974

Dunn, Si; "The First Cavalry Division - A Historical Overview 1921-1983", Taylor Publishing Co. - Dallas, TX 1984

Hutcheson, Lt. Grote; "The Ninth Regiment of Cavalry", Journal of the Military Service Institution of the United States, Vol. XVI, No. 75", - May 1895 P>Leckie, William H.; "The Buffalo Soldiers", University of Oklahoma Press - Norman, OK 1967

Rees, David ed; "The Korean War - History and Tactics", Orbis Publishing Co. - London, UK 1984

Schubart, Frank N. and Kraus, Theresa L.; "The Whirlwind War", Center of Military History - US Army 1995

Smith, Gene; "The Dark Summer", Macmillian Publishing Co. - New York, NY 1987

Stubbs, Mary Lee and Connor, Stanley Russell, editors; "Army Lineage Series", Armor/Cavalry - Regular Army and Army Reserve, U.S. Government Printing Office - Washington, DC 1984

Warren, Melvin C., Original Paintings; "Frontier Forts of Texas", Texas Press - Waco, TX 1966

Wormser, Richard; "The Yellow Legs", Double Day - Garden City, NY 1966

Steven C. Draper
1st Cavalry Division Museum
Fort Hood, TX
For the provision of timely assistance and supporting documentation of the historical missions and assignments of the 9th Cavalry Regiment and the 1st Cavalry Division.
Colonel Robert (Bob) F. Little (Retired)
Program Director
1st Cavalry Division Association
"Alumni of the First Team"
Copperas Cove, TX
 For the technical coordination of the historical review team.