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WhatBeChillin' Maps

Welcome to WhatBeChillin' Maps. Here you can find all of my Half-Life maps. Also, I will upload any skymaps once I make them.

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Current News

February 2, 2002
Crikey! It's been months since I last updated this site! Anyway, my mod "System Sun" has been cancelled due to immense stupidity on my part (I knew I should have backed it up first). I am now working on a mod that I have not named yet, so for now I'll call it "Vesuvius". BTW, you can test out my new game "Harmony of the Spheres" and tell me what you think.

October 2, 2002
Published the first part of my Half-Life 2 script!

July 18, 2002
Added a way to actually GET a map.

July 13, 2002
Started up the page.

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