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THE BREADSTIX: New Jersey Punk-Ska

Things the Breadstix do

Some Shit

Band Bio's ( find out about us )
What the hell are you guys saying? (lyrics)
I wanna play like you guys, but how? (tabs)
Some bands that we listen to that you should too
Check out the Breadstix message board

Hey, thanks for visiting our shitty site, well, were the Breadstix, right now our lineup is kevin T on guitar, sam M on bass ( hey thats me ), avery I on trumpet and singing his sweet sweet melodies for all of you to hear, and finnaly jc, but you can refer to him as bitch-ass, on the skins (drums) were in the process of looking for some more guys to play horns, but rumson is gay so were having some trouble. if you wanna try out for the band email sam at well kiddies thats all for now -sam
