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East Brunswick Teenage Republicans (TAREB)

Why should you join us?

Who Are We?

Welcome to the East Brunswick branch of the National Teen Age Republicans (TAR)!
As a youth organization serving to improve the quality of our government and community, we will participate in many activities:
- Social and educational events; bake sales, pizza parties, etc...
- Community service, such as sponsoring food, clothing, book, toy drives for those in need, etc...
and of course,
- Political activities! We will be very active in campaign season. At many meetings, such as our first one on 6/4/03, we will have an exciting speaker. We may also sponsor debates/forums, etc...

Our next meeting will be on...
Click on our Meeting Schedule link!

Please come and join us!

IMPORTANT: As this is significant year in all political respects (State Congress elections, eve of 2004 President Election...), TAREB urges everyone to participate in bringing out the Republican vote.

Other pages on the TAREB site:
New Jersey Campaigns and Candidates
TAREB Meeting Schedule
TAREB Events Schedule
TAREB Constitution
TAREB Executive Board

Learn About Us (TARS) and the GOP!

The Republican National Committee
Who We Are - About our Party
The National Teen Age Republicans
Re-elect President Bush in 2004!
The National Review
The Heritage Foundation
WorldNet Daily
Drudge Report
Empower America
The White House
College Republican National Committee
Young Republican National Federation
National Federation of Republican Women
National Republican Congressional Committee
National Republican Senatorial Committee
The Washington Times
Patriotic Images and Gifts
Patriotic MIDI Files
God Bless the USA MIDI, by Lee Greenwood