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Xu Mengrui

Xu Mengrui

It is a time of chaos. Dong Zhuo is dead and the Son of Heaven, Emperor Xian, is missing. The feudal lords have broken from Grand General Yuan Shao to form their own independant kingdoms. In the middle of all this mess stands the rest of us. We are the so called dogs that feast upon the scraps of others. We are the vagabonds that everyone claims are ruining the land. We are the thieves, the murderers, the rapists, the damned, the mercenary. I am apart of one such mercenary band called RIOT.

Yet, no one dares to look upon the court officials for these disasters. Instead they blame us, we the mercenaries, the true reflection of the people of China. Like the local merchant, and the peasant farmer, we mercenaries fight solely for survival, and to survive in this world means having money. That is what we do, fight for money. It may not be as "noble", but we don't proud ourselves. When we go home at night we sleep among the fleas and rats like everyone else.

And yes, we are aware that the full name would be R.O.I.T. instead of R.I.O.T. Wanna fight about it?

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