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    Congress on steroids

    What is congress doing on the subject of steroids in sports?

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    Steroids in sports has been a big problem for a while. Steroids are in every sport. Steroids have even been a problem in the Olympics.

    NFL players who test positive for steroids have a stricter penalty than if they test positive for such illegal drugs like marijuana or cocaine. Players testing positive for steroids get an automatic 4 game suspension and fined. Players are however allowed to appeal it. 1st and 2nd tests under positive use of steroids, makes the players go to a mandatory drug treatment and testing program. After 3 times testing positive, the players are fined and suspended.

    Boxing says they want to become harder on illegal drugs. Fernando Vargas, a boxer, was suspended 9 months and fined $100,000 for using steroids. Boxing says this is a weak fine and suspension. People can get hurt easily in boxing and maybe even die if they face a steroid user. Commissions said they took it easy on him because they want to give fighters time to educate themselves on how bad steroids are. Once new year starts, there will be heavier fines and suspensions.
    When being caught for using steroids in the NBA, the player is suspended 5 games. Players are not paid during suspensions.
    Being tested for steroids happens each year in the Olympics. The Olympics committee wants no illegal drugs to be used. Whenever an athlete uses steroids in the Olympics, they are stripped of their medal.
    Oh yes, baseball. It is what brought steroids back into people's minds. I probably wouldn't even know about steroids if it wasn't for baseball. Baseball has NO rules on using steroids. They don't even have testing for them available. During labor talks though they did come to an agreement that in the upcoming year there will be mandatory steroid testing available for all players. All do not agree but most do. Most people feel that steroids must stop in baseball and this is a step forward for this to happen.